Monday, December 16, 2013

Sister Rebecca Younce emails from 12/9/13 and 12/16/13

Email from...12/16/2013

Sorry family, this is going to be a very brief email!
This past week has been great! We are over halfway done with Christmas lights (we go till January 1) and we just found out that we will have a meeting with Jeffrey R. Holland on January 11! Last night we set a record! We had 50 people in the vc accept missionaries in their homes, and about 40 people to contact and follow up with! Never in the history of the Mesa VC have there been 50 people accept missionaries in one night! (The record was 30 i believe) We have been praying for each other each night, and I have never felt such unity with all the sisters. I'm still struggling with some parts of my time during Christmas lights, but a little part of a talk I read has helped me.

"In some cases the fence we erect around our hearts could be likened to a small picket fence with a Welcome sign on the gate. Other hearts have been so hurt or so deadened by sin that they have an eight-foot
(2.5-m) chain-link fence topped with razor wire around them. The gate is padlocked and has a large No Trespassing sign on it.

Let us apply the idea of a gateway to the heart to receiving personal revelation. Nephi taught, “When a man speaketh by the power of the
Holy Ghost the power of the Holy Ghost carrieth it unto the hearts of the children of men.”11 Elder David A. Bednar noted the use of the word unto: “Please notice how the power of the Spirit carries the message unto but not necessarily into the heart. … Ultimately, … the content of a message and the witness of the Holy Ghost penetrate into
the heart only if a receiver allows them to enter.”

Why just unto the heart? Individual agency is so sacred that Heavenly Father will never force the human heart, even with all His infinite power. Man may try to do so, but God does not. To put it another way,
God allows us to be the guardians, or the gatekeepers, of our own hearts. We must, of our own free will, open our hearts to the Spirit, for He will not force Himself upon us."

I feel the spirit work through me often when I talk to people at the VC. Sometimes I discount that and beat myself up. But I come to appreciate more and more that these people have their agency. Maybe it's not their time. Or maybe I can just be glad that I allowed a
child of god to exercise their agency, which is one of Gods greatest gifts to us. The fact that I feel the spirit means that it is there and is speaking unto their hearts, but whether or not their heart is
open and allows it into their heart is up to them!

I have gotten to be companions with each of the Spanish sisters so far! It has been a really neat experience. There is a new sister from Bolivia who just got here 2 weeks ago, sister Taboada. She spoke no English prior to coming on her mission, yet I saw her powerfully speak and testify of Christ in English this past week on the microphone for an audience of 50 people. Talk about faith! I love so much having a diverse group of sisters from all over the world. There are so many backgrounds and trials they each have gone through, but we all come together being one in purpose and we are confident because we are on the Lord's errand.

Perhaps my favorite times of each day are our prayer circles. We all kneel in a circle for a prayer before our shift starts. Then at the end of the day, though we are all so tired and drained, we kneel on the ground at 10:30 pm and everyone scrambles to get as close as possible to one another to "cuddle pray". Everyone expresses their love following the prayer, and it is a rare night that you get away from the VC without giving at least one hug and "I love you " to every single sister there. It's as close to "Zion" as I have ever felt.

We also had a great mission party this last week! We had a steak lunch and lots of games, we got to play in a "bell" performance and then we finished off the party by listening to Fred Ashby and Clyde Bonam. I was amazing. I feel so spoiled in this mission, and especially in our wards. I will send pictures of the ways the wards have been spoiling us a well...

Lexys baptism was set back till January because she came down with bronchitis. Oh well! I can't wait for it!

I love you all! I have to go now! Ill try to send a better email next week.


Email from 12/09/13
Hey family and friends! 

I'm so sorry I didnt get to write at all last week.  Its been crazy here! 
Right now I am really trying not to lose myself in the shuffle, and to somehow stay obedient to the missionary schedule and way of life, despite the lack of time! 

So, Christmas Lights at the Mesa Temple started since last time I wrote!  Can I just tell you...WOW!!! SO many people. SO many lights. SO much of the spirit felt here each night. SO much of a focus on Christ!!!!

It is also SO much colder than I expected!  Seriously, it was 80 degrees one day and then the next day was 40 degrees!  I guess there is no fall weather here.  I have gotten so accustomed to the awful heat, so now my poor body is just freezing! This past week I got to announce one of the Concerts on the lawn.  I was outside for the hour before that greeting and inviting people inside the VC, then we went to announce the concert and had to sit outside on the lawn for the next 45 minutes.  That was the coldest I have been in years as the wind blew at me, which makes me laugh a little since it was in the 40's.... not in the teens or even in the negatives ( how do you survive Elder Moss?!!) I will really enjoy the package mom is sending with the tights and scarves :)

Each night we have dinner at 4 pm with members.  Its inconvenient for them I am sure, but they are so understanding and accommodating :) We then report to the VC at 5 and have a prayer meeting at 5:30.  The lights turn on at 5, and there are full-field sisters out there inviting people inside all night (they have hour and 1/2 shifts), so we start to get the crowds around 6 when we start our shifts.  An english sister is paired with a different spanish sister each night, and we have 10 different rotations. 

1) Front Steps (stand outside and invite people to come in -- many people think the VC is the temple and they arent allowed in!)

 2) Front Greet (stand in the Lobby and try to herd the crowds all the different ways to where they would like to go)

 3) Christus (stand by the large statue of Jesus Christ and present it and end the presentation for new crowds ever 4-5 minutes)

4) Movie (WE JUST GOT A NEW MOVIE! Instead of showing the 1987 version of Luke 2 we now get to show a brand new movie called "the Nativity".  It’s beautiful and really invites the spirit.  Here we start and end the movie, and invite people to learn more about our Savior by meeting with missionaries)

 5) Savior of the World room (walk around the room with the Jerusalem replica and paintings of Christ, talk with everyone, and invite people to learn more)

 6) Movie (same as 4)

 7) God's Plan for his family (Present the walk through movie presentation of how the Gospel of Jesus Christ Blesses Families.  We start this every 5 minutes then walk through with the crowds.  So many people feel the spirit in this presentation and are moved by it!)

8) Back Greet (stand in the back lobby, and greet and direct the people who come in to the different exhibits. Often we ask them if they know of anyone that might be interested in learning more from us!)

9) Nativities (watch over the room full of 115 nativities from all around the world. Make sure no one steals the baby Jesus (it has happened many times!) and talk to everyone about Christ)

 10) Float (walk around the VC and talk with EVERYONE you see, strengthen their faith in Jesus Christ, and invite them to come closer to him by learning more!)

We go through 4 different rotations each night.  I have found that the spots where I am just supposed to float around and talk with everyone are the hardest for me!  I never realized just how socially awkward I really am until Christmas lights.  CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!   During this time, we get to talk to everyone.  Its hard sometimes, but as I focus my conversation on what is really important to them, it naturally flows to their Savior.  I am rejected over and over by people, but I keep on inviting them to learn more.  In the end, the 1000's of "No's" wont mean a thing to me when I receive that one "yes" and I see the joy that is brought into their life from living the Gospel. 

Also, about 1/3 of the visitors each night are "snowbirds" from the Northern United States and Canada.  They are quite unfriendly and often rude to me, but I have to say that my experience with them is turning into a blessing.  I have the opportunity to learn to love even more fully, and as I do that, I desire even more fiercely to share with them something that I know will Bless their lives beyond comprehension.  Oh how I love those snowbirds!  Every grumpy old man I meet that waves me away brings an even bigger smile to my face as I greet the next visitor :) 

Our time with each visitor might be very short, but the spirit is really making up for the lack of time we have.  He helps us so much to know what to say to each person that walks in.  He also helps direct us to those that have open hearts.  This week I had a great experience with one woman in particular.  It was 20 minutes till closing, and we were still 4 short of our goal for the night.  The place was empty, and as I looked around me all I could see were missionaries.  Finally, a couple walked through the back doors and walked straight to the Nativity room.  I looked at my trainer and said "I've got this!" and followed them into the room, praying fervently in my heart for the words to say to them.  Immediately as I started talking to the couple, I felt my whole body tingle all over, and I began to receive direct instructions from the spirit on what to say and do.  I knew exactly what to ask them about to strengthen their faith, exactly what I needed to say so that they felt comfortable with me and trusted me, and exactly what I needed to teach at all the right times.  They had come in just to look and both were very happy with their church they go to.  They are both Youth Counselors for the church in fact, yet as I taught them about the Great Apostasy, their faces both lit up and they knew what I was teaching was true. I then talked to them about Prayer and how they know that God answers their prayers.  They both have such a strong testimony of prayer and the guidance they can receive from their Heavenly Father.  By the time I felt I needed to invite them to learn more, they both knew they could and that their beliefs would not be threatened by doing so.  They can simply learn what we have to teach, and depend on that relationship they have with God already to direct them to what is right. 

They ended up leaving after having given me their information.  The woman even let me know that she was really looking forward to hearing from me again.  I ran into the back room after this and knelt in a prayer of Gratitude.  What an amazing experience for me.  I had never felt the Spirit guide me so directly, and I hope every day that I can live worthy of such guidance in all that I do.

I know that Heavenly Father wants all of his Children to return home to him at the end of this journey, and he is doing everything he can to direct his Children.  I know this to be true, and I know that God loves each and every one of us so very much.  He wants a relationship with us, and he loves us unconditionally, no matter how far we have strayed.  He is waiting with open and loving arms. 

I love you all!
Sister Younce

Here is the new movie that we are showing to all the visitors! (copy and paste) I hope that you will watch this often  this Christmas season!

Here is more information on the Great Apostasy. Read it and enjoy! 
The Great Apostasy
After the death of Jesus Christ, wicked people persecuted the Apostles and Church members and killed many of them. With the death of the Apostles, priesthood keys and the presiding priesthood authority were taken from the earth. The Apostles had kept the doctrines of the gospel pure and maintained the order and standard of worthiness for Church members. Without the Apostles, over time the doctrines were corrupted, and unauthorized changes were made in Church organization and priesthood ordinances, such as baptism and conferring the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Without revelation and priesthood authority, people relied on human wisdom to interpret the scriptures and the principles and ordinances of the gospel of Jesus Christ. False ideas were taught as truth. Much of the knowledge of the true character and nature of God the Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost was lost. The doctrines of faith in Jesus Christ, repentance, baptism, and the gift of the Holy Ghost became distorted or forgotten. The priesthood authority given to Christ’s Apostles was no longer present on the earth. This apostasy eventually led to the emergence of many churches.
After centuries of spiritual darkness, truth-seeking men and women protested against current religious practices. They recognized that many of the doctrines and ordinances of the gospel had been changed or lost. They sought for greater spiritual light, and many spoke of the need for a restoration of truth. They did not claim, however, that God had called them to be a prophet. Instead, they tried to reform teachings and practices that they believed had been changed or corrupted. Their efforts led to the organization of many Protestant churches. This Reformation resulted in an increased emphasis on religious freedom, which opened the way for the final Restoration.
The Savior’s Apostles foretold this universal apostasy. They also foretold that the gospel of Jesus Christ and His Church would be restored once more upon the earth.
               Key Points
               The Church of Jesus Christ is built on the foundation of apostles and prophets (see Ephesians 2:19–20; 4:11–14). These leaders have divine priesthood authority. Through revelation they direct the affairs of the Church. They maintain doctrinal purity, authorize the administration of ordinances, and call and confer upon others the priesthood authority.
               People rejected and killed Jesus Christ and the Apostles (see Matthew 24:9; 1 Nephi 11:32–34; 2 Nephi 27:5). With the death of the Apostles, the presiding priesthood authority was absent from the Church. Consequently, there was no longer authority to confer the Holy Ghost or perform other saving ordinances. Revelation ceased, and doctrine became corrupted.
               Even before the death of the Apostles, many conflicts concerning doctrine arose. The Roman Empire, which at first had persecuted the Christians, later adopted Christianity. Important religious questions were settled by councils. The simple doctrines and ordinances taught by the Savior were debated and changed to conform to worldly philosophies (see Isaiah 24:5). They physically changed the scriptures, removing plain and precious doctrines from them (1 Nephi 13:26–40). They created creeds, or statements of belief, based on false and changed doctrine (see Joseph Smith—History 1:19). Because of pride, some aspired to positions of influence (see 3 John 1:9–10). People accepted these false ideas and gave honor to false teachers who taught pleasing doctrines rather than divine truth (see 2 Timothy 4:3–4)
               Throughout history, many people have sincerely believed false creeds and doctrines. They have worshiped according to the light they possessed and have received answers to their prayers. Yet they are “kept from the truth because they know not where to find it” (D&C 123:12).
Therefore, a restoration, not a reformation, was required. Priesthood authority did not continue in an unbroken line of succession from the Apostle Peter. To reform is to change what already exists; to restore is to bring back something in its original form. Thus, restoration of priesthood authority through divine messengers was the only possible way to overcome the Great Apostasy.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Backtracked and caught up Additions to Rebecca's emails for November 25th and 16th back through Oct. 28th

Sorry ...we had skipped putting this one on the blog so we are adding it late.
email from November 25th
Hello Family!  
Its actually feeling chilly here, isnt it amazing?!  The sisters are all rushing out to buy coats!  The visitor's center was decorated this past week, and the nativity scenes are up!  There are 104 nativities from all over the world this year.  Its a beautiful set up, and it feels so Christmasy with all the Christmas trees everywhere.  I LOVE CHRISTMAS! 
Christmas lights start this next Friday night!  Some early birds have come to see the nativities already before the rush of people... and already we have had some near-catastrophies!  Parents sometimes do such a bad job of watching their children, and I think it could cause me to have an aneurism this Christmas.  (or at least some bad anxiety as they knock over thousand dollar nativities!) 26 of the 33 nights of Christmas lights, sister B and I will be working here at the VC.  A few times we will even have the opportunity to introduce the Concerts!  It is pretty exciting.  

Here are a few Mesa Temple lights facts: 

-This is the 34th year of Christmas lights here!
-The first year there were 5000 blue and white lights
-all work is done by volunteers
-10,000 lights in the star! 
-100,000 lights in the palm trees!
-started putting up lights october 1st
-over a million visitors each year! 
-the lights represent Jesus Christ as the light of the World
-we continuously have luke 2 playing, along with the nativity room, Christus Presentation, and the walk thru video "God's Plan for His Family"
-A concert each night in front of the VC from Dec 1st-Dec 25th! 
-The VC choir is singing as the finale concert on Christmas Day! 

Apart from that, we have been told that we will have a meeting before lights start each day and need to be at the VC at 5.  We then will have Christmas lights end each night at 10, and a debriefing meeting from 10-10:30 each night.  
Let me know if yall have any questions!  I would be happy to find out for ya :) 
Apart from Prepping for Christmas lights, we had a fantastic first week back in the VC which ended with Jordan's Baptism!  Unfortunately our Ward mission leader had to leave for a few months, so we were left to plan the baptism last minute.  Somehow it all worked out, and there were just a few little hiccups in the Program.  We ended up singing for Jordan before his baptism, and the program was filled with the Spirit!  He truly understood the convenant he was making, and the ward enjoyed hearing his powerful testimony after the ordinance was complete.  Following the baptism, there was a fiesta!  The food was amazing, and it was 100% authentic and made by a Mexican couple in the ward.  (they have a hacienda style house even! John and Dani should know what im talking about.  Amazing!!!)
The next day in Sacrament meeting, Jordan was confirmed.  They blessed him that he would be able to serve a full0-time mission.  Funny enough when it was time to bless him "to find a worthy daughter of God to marry in the temple" some radio frequencies cut in on a motab hallelujah chorus!  Nothing. NOTHING could have been more perfect :).  The rest of the meeting there were cut ins of Motab singing, but its intro was simply perfection!  Jordan will be a great missionary, and an amazing member of God's kingdom here on Earth!  All of the families involved have been so blessed and stregthened by this experience. 
As I bore my testimony at the baptism I asked him to make sure he keeps that Book ofMormon he received with the testimony in the cover safe.  His very first day in Church was the day I spoke in Sacrament meeting and told the story of Daddy and his first Book of Mormon. I bore testimony of the impact on Dad's life and our family's life forever, and I know Jordan feels strengthened by that assurance.  He too will be able to see his daughter someday expressing immense gratitude for the decision he made, and for the future faithful decisions he will make.  

I know that the Book of Mormon is from God.  Anyone can find that out for themselves as they open it and read its pages.  They speak to your heart directly of its undeniable truth.  I hope we never take the Book of Mormon for granted.  We are SO blessed to have it and its guidance in our lives.  What are some of your testimonies of the Book of Mormon?  How did you come to know it is true?  
If you dont have that testimony right now though, its okay!  I invite you to examine this evidence of God's love for us... the Book of Mormon! Read it and follow Moroni's promise in Moroni 10:3-5.  God will never lead you astray! If you ever have questions or just want to talk to me about anything, please do!  I am always just an email or a facebook message away.  
I love you all so much and I pray for you each night!  

Sister Younce
ps.  Our Zone leader is an Elvis Impersonator!!! what?!!!  Before his mission he would perform for thousands of people at a time in New York!  I dont know if I will ever be able to look at our Zone leaders the same way again.... I keep noticing his elvis moves.....  I dont think I should have told him I love Elvis Christmas after all!!!  What are your thoughts on this?!  Should I try to get him to perform for us when I get home from my mission?!! Grandma Dooley would love it!!!!!
pps.  Way to go Uncle Mike and Aunt Carol!!! That story is amazing! I have shared it already with all the VC sisters.  Simply amazing!  If you all dont know what I am talking about -- ask Uncle Mike to tell you about his missionary experience! It made me so happy to hear about it :) 
Love you all!

Email from Monday November 16th

Well, family, it's close to the end of my p-day now!  There hasn't
been a ton going on here to write home about... But it sounds like
there has been a lot going on with the family!  I heard about John and
Dani -- I am sooooo glad to hear they are alright!    Was it icy on the roads and is that what caused the accident?  I love you John and dani! So glad you're safe! Also, make sure you keep me updated on the interview process and your decisions:).

Oh, and Rachel and Hannah announced the pregnancies!  So exciting!
Now I can talk about it freely! That picture was so cute, and I have
been showing it to everyone ;). I wonder if Rachel's baby is gonna be
born early on my birthday!  Yay spring babies!  I'm guessing baby boys
this time. :). If they are both girls again, it's basically guaranteed
I won't have any girls!  Don't hog them all!  Plus I wanna make mud
pies and play dinosaurs with little nephews :).

So I heard it snowed a tiny bit this last week? That day I believe it
reached 92 degrees here in Mesa. Somehow I'm not finding this funny!  This is how Sister Beaudette and I trick ourselves into thinking it is winter inside our apartment. We keep the ac on and play Christmas music! Then we have a reality check when we open our front door and have to shed our sweaters.

We heard this from a lady the other day -- "Arizona is the heavenly
place that gets you prepared for the celestial kingdom heat!   The
celestial kingdom will be just like Arizona!? ". I never knew heaven
would be Hot :( I guess if that statement was factual, I would have
to start rethinking if I really wanted to end up there forever!  JUST
KIDDING!  Sis Beaudette and I are working on our charity towards the
Arizona weather, we promise :) but at least they have diverse rocks!
Orange rocks! Brown rocks! Gray rocks! And then there are the pinkish
brown rocks! So diverse!  :). Okay, okay, I've gotten my fill, and I'm
done with that now :).

Whatever Arizona lacks in natural greenery or seasons, it makes up for
in wonderful people!  I am so blessed to have been able to serve in my
wonderful areas of Mesa!  Being a missionary is just a way of life
here, and I have seen that the influence here is truly preparing so
many people to accept the Gospel. I am so excited for Jordan's baptism, this next Saturday! It should be amazing... And it's followed by a Mexican
family in the ward throwing a big fiesta!  Exciting stuff!

It's amazing the perspective you as a missionary get to attain as you
are suddenly involved with the bishop and leaders in the ward almost
daily! The organization really is inspired, and it builds my testimony
as I see each auxiliary work together so beautifully!  Everyone is
prayed for, cared for, and thought about individually in this church
:). Daddy knows all about that by now!  I don't envy the Bishops their
callings, that is for sure :).

I've gotten to see how we are all humans. This church is truly headed
by God, and his doctrines are untarnished. But the church is run by
imperfect humans. We all are working towards our own salvations and
remain personally accountable to God. We are all working hard, and as
we sustain people in their callings and roles, not only they are able
to learn and grow, but so are you as you learn humility.   Mortal life
is hard and we all are subject to certain human frailties, but I know
they one true way to overcome the natural man is to look to Christ in
faith and in turn become more like him.

I am so grateful to have this opportunity to serve a mission. I get to
focus on loving people here just as Christ would if he was here, every
single day!  It's such a blessing, and I feel closer to my savior
daily because of it. I am grateful also to be able to be with sister
beaudette again this transfer!  Christmas lights start the day after
thanksgiving, and all the horror stories are making me nervous. But I
know that no matter how sick, exhausted or claustrophobic I get during
that time, I will get to testify of Christ for a full 33 days -- and
that is an opportunity I wouldn't trade for anything in the world. ;).
I'm anxious to get started! I start back in the VC this next Wednesday!

I love you all!  Goodbye Maties!

Past Three emails from November 11th back to October 28th

Email from 11/11/13
Hey family!
Well, I am writing some of this as I wait at the bottom of a mountain
for the rest of our group. We woke up at 4:15 this morning (wooh! You know how much I hate sleep!) and traveled 30 minutes to go to the windcave trail!  It was fun at first... Chilly, dark, and we were stumbling a lot on the rocky trail in the dark. Personally, I feared
stumbling then landing my fall on a cactus! Eek! Or getting eaten by cayotes.   Thankfully that didn't happen, but I did start feeling extremely nauseous halfway up, as I usually I do in the morning.  Sister beaudette enjoyed the view for a while and we watched the sun rise, then we went back down the mountain to wait by our car.  It's been over an hour since we last saw the other missionaries, but we should be expecting them down any minute.
Anyways, I am very sleepily writing this while sitting in the car with
Sister Beaudette.

Oh how I love my companion sister Beaudette!  We love our area so very much, and we have a great time together.  Of course there are challenges, but we feel blessed right now. So you might remember that I wrote about having gotten a call last Monday about lice.  Yes, we thought we had it for a few hours.  Once we bought all the brushes and combs necessary and got back to the apartment to check, we found that we were both lice free!  (The rest of this email is continued later in the day) It took a few hours out of our pday, and added some expenses, but we were so grateful we were spared!  What is interesting is that there really would have been no way to avoid the lice.  The 2 kids had been climbing all over us for a full hour, and even in the pictures we took with them on our ipads, it shows full hair on hair contact in nearly every one of them!  But for some odd reason, Sister B and I happened to take our very first night time shower of this transfer 30 minutes later when we got home.  The lice didn’t even have time to give up our hair follicles before we showered them out.  Then if that hadn’t killed them, we both slept in hair masks the entire night (a thick conditioner covering all of our hair).  We had no idea that we were washing away and killing lice, but we were so grateful for that little blessing!!!  Having a lice free head meant we could see our investigators that night, and we were able to get much needed haircuts and not have to buy that expensive lice-killing shampoo!  It was a little scare, but it was amazing to look back in humor and see God's hand in that seemingly insignificant happenstance as he prompted us to each shower at night for the first time in over 9 weeks. 

I agree with Elder Bednar when he talked about how the Lord's blessings are "subtle but significant" in October's General Conference!  I know that if we truly all try to look back on our daily events, we will always be able to see the Lord's hands in our lives and in our decisions.  He is in every facet of our lives, don't ever doubt it :)  He is truly there and he loves each one of us.  

This past week we witnessed ourselves hit a bit of a brick wall in our area. Yes we have baptisms coming up, but there is so much more to do with this area and the other 50 hours we have there!  As we acknowledged that we had hit it, we were sad, but we decided to say a fervent prayer for direction.  The inkling we had right before the prayer was magnified and sister beaudette felt very
strongly that we should go to the "nice family's house".  The "nice family" was a family we had seen from across the street and that had been friendly and waved to us 3 days before.  It was a simple act of "southern kindness," but it was significant enough to catch our attention and hold it the entire rest of the day. A day later we had left a nice note on their door when they weren't home, and then the next day we came by.  We decided to follow sister beaudette's prompting and we eagerly approached their door. The friendly big Polynesian father came out to greet us and closed the door behind him.  He then introduced himself and thanked us for the note and said " I would LOVE to have you come in and talk with us. How about Wednesday evening and I can introduce you to my beautiful family!"  Also, when we asked him about his kids he simple states, "They are the most important thing in the world to me, they have changed my life." Simply. Amazing. 

We had just dropped so many long time investigators and taking a step into the darkness when we were led to this loving, prepared, family!!  I have never taught a whole family before, and both sister Beaudette and I are over the moon with excitement!   God is good -- that is all I can say!

I know from experience, as I was once someone that read and skimmed through missionary emails when I was back home, that these things don’t seem very impressive, significant, or awe inspiring at times.   But Oh was I wrong!  It is hard to even convey half of the story when I email home, but I know that we each can feel this same amazement and gratitude for the Lord that I feel in my life.  It comes as we pray for guidance, and direction, and as we keep our promises to act on that guidance.  We will then be in the proper mindset to recognize God's hand and we will become even more keenly aware of our utter dependence on our eternally giving loving heavenly father.  We are nothing without him. 

Remember this: In comparison to God, we are nothing -- but to God, we are EVERYTHING!

Be grateful, be charitable, be prayerful.
I love you all so much! 

Sister Younce

PS we have found this family of 6 kids we adore here!  The parents are such partners in everything and the kids all just adore taking care of each other.  I want to emulate so much of what I see in their parenting and the Christ centered home they have! Its awesome to get to observe so many families each and every day :)  It does make me miss my amazing family terribly though!

Email from 11/4/13

Okay, Okay, that 95 degree generalization for all of November might have been a lie!  But this is for sure the hottest November I have ever been through!  While we helped set up for the ward halloween parties this past week, we were sweating through our clothes still!  It gets chilly at times, but I am really still waiting for the "heavenly weather" the members keep promising!  I wont hold my breath :)

Well, this past week was... Halloween!  Kind of boring for us missionaries actually.  We were lucky enough to get to stay out to go to our ward parties at least! At one of the ward parties we had fry bread (yummm!) and chili and home made root beer, and while the other didn’t have quite as creative of food, the entire neighborhood turned up at each party!  It was amazing!  Now all Sister Beaudette and I have to do is work on not being the socially awkward missionaries at the party.  As a mission, the rule was that if we were not in a set lesson or at a ward party on Halloween, we had to return to our residence and study the entire night.  I guess even Mesa is too dangerous on Halloween :) 
I got to spend that time catching up on reading Preach My Gospel so that I could be right along where the entire mission is at.  Oh, and also we are not allowed to dress up at all as missionaries on Halloween... but Sister B and I were SUPER "creative" and switched nametags.  Wooh! 

This week was pretty eventful for the Mesa, Arizona Mission as a whole!  The ENTIRE mission got Ipads this week!  We had to go to a 3 hour meeting when they got their ipads, and sadly us VC sisters still have the old ipads with IOS 6 and we just sat there as they set theirs up.  While that was a little drab, and while we still have a little wait before we get our new ipads that will be with us through our whole missions, we were really excited for the elders that finally got to be as cool as us!!! hehe :)   Us VC sisters are now getting to tutor the elders with the Ipads, and finally our struggles we had the first 5 months are paying off!  It was really apparent to us that this is simply another sign and step in the Lord's hastening of his work!  Its amazing! Dinner messages with members just got SO much more powerful, and the organization of everything on the ipad systems is really 20 steps above what it use to be.  The Lord is preparing people right now, and now we will be able to find them, and do his work so efficiently! 

Along with the new ipad developments in the mission, we received word today that we are now able to write emails on p-day on the ipad!  I am pretty excited about this.  I can relax a bit more with the emails, and I can check your emails throughout the day, though I prefer to get them earlier in the day when I am not running around and I have wifi to look at the emails.


Also... this is unexpected.. Remember a couple emails ago, I mentioned that Sister B and I love speaking in English accents? Well, what started out very innocently and fun, has become a bit of a problem... Since we are together 24/7, unbeknownst to us, it became kind of a language immersion experience. Seriously. At times we've kind of forgotten how to speak normal.... we were correlating with the Bishop. And sister B was talking to him, and completely unconciously, she slipped into a British accent. She didn't even notice. And I just laugh and laugh. Bishop said that it just makes us sound extra sophisticated. Haha. Great. Well, once we were in the car, we decided we needed to do some intervention. And even though we love accents, we really have to monitor it.  What an unexpected problem to have!!! We have gotten far too good at our British accents, at times we forget what we really sound like.  Time to go back to the boring American accent! Pooh :(

So, I feel that it is about time that I tell you about some of the work going on here!!!   So, we have 2 investigators with November baptismal dates now! Lexy, the 9 year old girl, is getting baptized November 30!  Jordan is our newest investigator, and he is getting baptized on November 23! Jordan turned up at church 3 weeks ago with a member of the ward that he works with at the Nike store.  The sister had given him a book of Mormon 3 days before, and he had already read through 1 Nephi and received a witness through prayer that it was true!  The woman was in shock, because she had never done anything like that before, and she never knew that he, of all people, was so prepared to accept the gospel!  He lives in Phoenix so we didnt think we could continue to teach him, but since he is planning on moving to mesa in the next 2 months, and he has a rough home life, we have gotten permission to baptize him into Ridge ward! Jordan runs 20 miles 3-4 times a week, and already graduated from ASU with a degree in business -- next step is getting this 22 year old on a mission! The ward has just taken him in and it has been amazing to see! We were wary of his enthusiasm at first, so we began to pray for discernment to see if he was really sincere, and it has become very apparent to us by now that HE IS! Jordan has been in the process of being prepared by the Lord for months now.  He has been living the Word of Wisdom and many other commandments since the beginning of the summer when he made certain resolutions to live a cleaner life. He is now preparing not only for baptism, but for going through the temple next year, and he is looking forward to having an eternal family someday! It has been amazing to see how there truly ARE those people out there that, once given the opportunity to receive the gospel, will welcome it in with open arms!  Might there be people in our lives that are like Jordan? Hasn’t it been promised by the Lord that there are people being prepared all around us at this time?  The success lies in the invitation.  You can NEVER judge for yourself if they will accept the gospel, until you give them the option and opportunity! 

I am so glad that that woman, Brooke, opened her mouth and shared the Gospel with Jordan.  I am even more eternally grateful for the people that opened their mouths to share the gospel with Mom and Dad!  We have been eternally influenced by such a small act of faith!  I know that we too can be an instrument in the Lord's hands in the Work of Salvation! 

I feel the spirit in my life on a daily basis as I strive to do the Lords work.  It is a constant reminder that this IS the work of salvation.  The Lords Purpose is for his children to obtain eternal life, and we are here to help that to happen :)  God has our backs and he will help us, if we will just show him a willing heart!  I’m so proud of my family and how so many of you are opening up and acting in faith to share the Gospel!  Sure, you might face awkwardness or rejection, but face it with a smile and say, "maybe next time!"  This is the greatest work any one of us can be doing -- we all have our own small parts, but put together, just imagine what we can do!! :)

  When do the christmas lights start going up at the house?  What is the temperature like there? I hear it’s beautiful! I need to go now, but I love you all so much!  Thank you for your constant support and I love getting emails and letters from you!

Cheerio maties!!!
Sister Younce

Email from 10/28/13
Wow!  It has been exactly 1 year and 1 day since I decided to serve a mission! It has been the best decision that I have ever made. 

I have learned so much as I prepared to serve a mission, and the lessons I have learned while on the mission are priceless!  I can’t imagine how my life would have gone without this experience!

While there are so many spiritual experiences that I get to have here, there are also an abundance of hilarious ones that serve as comic relief on the roughest of days!  I am so grateful for them and the opportunity we have to laugh daily.  Life is too short to not find joy everyday!

Sis B and I also got to attend our first, and probably ONLY stake priesthood leadership meeting!  It was so great to hear our stake president speak about the Savior.  He has such a strong testimony. 
I love the leadership in this stake, and I was excited to find out that the whole stake presidency comes from our 2 wards!  They are all so warm, loving, and they have amazing testimonies that they share with us. 

We also got to start teaching this young man, Jordon, this week!  He doesn’t live in the area, but we are hoping to get an exception to teach him.  He is so ready and SO amazing!  I will update you on the status of that next week :) 

Sis B and I both have realized that we are sometimes feeling less than diligent and fulfilled.  We struggled with that feeling for a few days, then we came to the realization that WE ARE TO ACT AND TO NOT BE ACTED UPON! We are free agents.  The only way to get out of our rut was to take one step forward.  Each and every action we took would put us closer to who we want to become, and we have that ability to become better each and every day. 

Since it is at the end of the month, SIster B and I are out of miles!  We walked EVERYHWERE yesterday and it was FANTASTIC!  I have lost some weight since going full-field, and walking everywhere just makes us feel so great! 

I hope you all can make time to go out and enjoy the fall weather outside.  Its good for our souls!!! 

I love you all!  How is your Book of Mormon reading going?  What is the weather like? 


Sister Younce