Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Missionary Broadcast and Temple Trip- 6/24/13

Well, this week has been eventful!  Its almost impossible for me to think of what happened before yesterday at the broadcast however.  Since the broadcast, all I can think about is my family and NC and missionary work there!

We went to the temple the other day and that was our last time with President and Sister Ellsworth!  It was a great experience to have 1/3 of the mission in a chapel in the temple all meeting together with the spirit of the temple encasing us!  I am so grateful to have a temple here!  I can't wait to get back to the VC so that I can be on temple grounds each and every day and feel the spirit of the place.  I love the temple! 

I'm sorry.... I spent a while doing individual emails today so I am out of time!  I hope you all watched the broadcast! It didn't even hardly touch on a lot of the stuff I was excited about... but there was so much more!  I felt that it was aimed right at all the members!!! If you haven't watched it yet, go online and watch it!  I want nothing more than to hear about all of your missionary experiences :) Please do share!  NC is such a blessing!  There are missionary opportunities all around you that I would just KILL FOR!  All of you should be and honestly need to be missionaries right where you are.  Lift where you stand!  

A quote from the week "If you want your missionary to be busy -- do ALL that you can to bless the lives of the missionaries in your area"  Feeding them is great, but its not enough! Please please please do this! I promise it will bless your lives and you can feel this excitement and joy that I feel every single day!  We are just full-time helpers.... YOU ARE THE MISSIONARIES! Open your mouth, and it will be filled.  
I love you so much ... every single one of you!
Adam -- Hope you had fun on Trek!  Lucky!!!!

Sister Younce

New Stuff- 6/17/13

(The broadcast in this email has already happened)


I honestly dont know what I can say on this email.  We were sworn to not put anything up on blogs or mass-emails that would take away the thunder from next week's broadcast.... so I am pretty limited!  Basically this week was super exciting though!  Elder Allen and Brother Watson came and had a 3 hour-turned-5 1/2 hour meeting with the Mesa VC sisters on Friday!  Elder Allen is the Director of the entire Missionary Dept for the Church and Brother Watson is the head of all church proselyting and the lead author of Preach My Gospel (the most inspired and amazing manual in the history of the world!!!! Seriously I don't know how missionary work was possibly done before it was published!!!!) which is my absolute favorite book in the entire world now apart from the scriptures! I got to talk to Elder Allen for a while before and after the meeting and he even took an embarassing video of me on his iphone :) (hope that doesnt turn up on the broadcast!)  It was amazing to have a meeting with such inspired men.  It helped me understand just how blessed we are in the Mesa mission since BOTH of these amazing men are former Mesa Arizona Mission Presidents!  We were presented with a sneak peak video into next week's broadcast and my heart continued to race at an unfathomable rate for the next 4 hours.  I kept having to cling onto Sister Brown and just kept saying .... "Oh, Sister!" as I worked to not faint from excitement! Some of the sisters even were crying, as I did at various points.  Its funny because while you are on your mission you are just so emotional and excited .... I don't remember a single time in my life when I have felts so overwhelmed or flabbergasted!  EVERYONE has to watch that broadcast! It is introducing the new world of missionary work (inside and OUTSIDE of the mission field!) It was strange to have these men here at the VC telling us that we are so trusted and that we are the pioneers for this new phase in missionary work.  We are part of the small group (tempe missionaries are also part of it -- did devin romney get to participate as well?) that is trying this stuff out and that will give feedback to create the future boundaries for all missionaries.  They don't know what rules to have yet, so we basically are given full-reign of all possibilities to see what works and what does not.  It was odd to be on a mission with such set rules, then told to just "try anything and everything" WE TRUST YOU!  Sadly Sister Brown and I just got to be there for the meeting but are not pioneers of this yet untill 4 weeks from now.  We do however get to see how all the other VC sisters are reacting to this change and it is pretty fun to watch!  VC sisters already have so much on their plate with responsibilities and now this has added a ton as they transition and have to put in at least 2 hours extra to their already packed-full schedule! 
 Sister Younce with Elder Allen, head of the missionary department (over 70,000 missionaries!)

This is SUCH an exciting time to be in the mission field.  Its going to be amazing to get to tell my kids someday that I was at the forefront of this missionary shift!  The Lord really is hastening his work.  Elder Allen said that for years he and the Brethren have been pushing hard at missionary work, but now for the first time ever they feel so strongly that the Lord is literally pulling them with all his might and they are just trying to keep up!  I doubt this broadcast will be even half as exciting to ya'll as the news was to me as a current missionary..... but it IS worth watching!  Elder Allen promised that it will be the singlemost exciting broadcast to ever come out of Salt lake before.  Watch it!
Yall excited yet?  I know I sure am!!!! This is the time for EVERYONE TO BE A MISSIONARY! 
I love you ALL so much!  I hope the beach is amazing and that y'all have a blast!  Its been tough to keep my mind off of the beach traditions and what y'all are doing right now.... but if there is one thing I have learned from the mission so far it is.... self control/ discipline over my thoughts!  I hope to get lots of pictures and any funny stories from this year's trip!
I do feel tired all the time here.... I want nothing more than a day to sleep in... but we got 3 promising new investigators this week.... so WHO CARES ABOUT BEING TIRED!?  Somehow people are appearing out of this Mesa wood-work and I am SO grateful!  

Faye is overcoming her word of wisdom issue  this week and we have high hopes for this transfer! I honestly am having trouble remembering the rest of what happened this week due to the excitement from Friday and I'm so sorry about that! 
I need to go now.... but I love you all!  I hope everyone is doing well!  Write me!!!
Love, Sister Becca Younce
(sister Bounce as people keep calling me!)
ps.  Supposedly during July and August it gets humid here bc of monsoon season?! kill me now! 125 degrees AND humid?!

First Baptism- 6/10/13

What a great week!  So as I said last week -- I am a full-field missionary this transfer! This has already turned out to be both a blessing and a huge challenge! Planning for every single minute of the next day is tough in such a small area! I don't think I will ever complain again about not having enough time in our area because of the VC again :) 
Its so amazing to see the direct correlation between my hard work and diligence at being faithful with my studies, prayers, and strict obedience-- and my investigators.  During weeks when I have allowed my mind to be distracted for even short amounts of time and did not work hard to fill my mind with thoughts of the work of the ministry every minute of the work day instead, I noticed a big difference.  I not only did not get as much from my studies and did not feel the spirit with me constantly, but I would also not feel fulfilled and happy.  This is a time that I have to give my 100% -- and that is a daily struggle!  Giving 90% seems good enough sometimes, but I have seen the true miracles happen when I have given my 100% and when I both work, and think about the work diligently.  When you head out on the mission you really do put your desires, mind, and heart out on the altar of sacrifice for the Lord!  Its only a year and a half of my eternity -- why not do it 100%? ;)
One of my biggest regrets I have is that I didn't know the scriptures well enough before I came out!  Just reading a little each day and reading with the family in family scripture study is NOT ENOUGH! We each honestly NEED the companionship of the spirit as we study the scriptures when we do sit down to read them.  I have learned to love the Book of Mormon more than I ever EVER thought I could already on my mission -- and I still am a greenie out here!  I crave my time sitting down with that book of mormon, and personal study is never ever long enough.  -- try to get there!  Ask the Lord fervently for an increased desire to read the Book of Mormon. Pray for guidance as you read and for the spirit to abide with you.  You have to ask for it before the Lord can give it to you.  I promise you won't regret it :) You can learn to crave that time with you and the Lord as you read as well!  As you pray and read, it really is quite simply just time that you spend with your Heavenly Father each day.  How important is our relationship with our parents on Earth? Think about how much more we even need that time with our Heavenly Father! 
Okay, I will get off of my Book of Mormon soap box now.  Thanks for sticking with me through that :)
So this past week there were transfers.  36 new missionaries came in, including 7 new VC sisters!  They are all super cute.  It makes me sad to not get to be in there with my sisters each and every day anymore! I do get to go to the VC and see my sisters on Saturday mornings for VC prep meeting however, and what a blessing that is!  Its like a family reunion each week.  If I feel that good each time I see them .. I can't even fathom the glee and euphoria I will have when I get to have my family's arms wrapped around me again!  

Lori and Ryan were baptised on Friday and Confirmed on Sunday!  The baptismal service was wonderful and there were at least 90 people there on a Friday night during the summer! Ryan stood up to share some feelings at the end and he would never have stopped if it wasn't for his mom grabbing him :)  He thanked Sister Brown and I sincerily for helping them learn about the truth and for being so patient and his friend.  Ahhhh I was crying like a baby in the front row!!!  It really was such a joy for that to happen, and then Sunday I felt even more joy ... if that is even possible!!!  When they were confirmed and received the holy Ghost, I just felt the shear power of that blessing as the prayer was said.  My body was overcome with the Holy Ghost and Lori, who had said that she had never felt any of the feelings of the Spirit before she didn't think.... couldn't stop her body from tingling for quite a while even after the blessing.  She felt the warmth and come through the top of her head and afterwards she was just beside herself with happiness and peace!  I love those two so much! Ryan will make a great missionary someday.  (he is 11 going on 35)

I also was so happy to have gotten to talk to Faye Felts and Ed Felts this week.  Her aunt died on Tuesday, and usually people might use that as an excuse not to go to church or keep up the scripture reading but not her!  I truly believe she has been converted this time as well as for Ed.  He is working to be able to baptize her and I believe he will be ready in just a few weeks if he stick with it!  They are so utterly cute together and I hope I can go into their sealing near the end of my mission! Someday I want you all to meet Faye.  She really is just the sweetest person in the entire world.  I also have high hopes for a 14 year old girl named Mina! Although her father is practically atheist and her mom is buddhist, she is so close to the spirit.  She gave the most beautiful prayer the other day and all of us had tears in our eyes including Mina when we opened our eyes after the prayer.  She feels the Lord's love and the spirit wrapping warmth around her when she prays and she is so dilligent about reading and studying the scriptures each day!  Despite her family issues and the early hour at which her ward meets, I know she will make it.  She enjoys our visits just as much as we do, and I have gained such a testimony of the influence of good and faithful friends during the teenage years!

Alas, as usual I am just about out of time.  Drats.  
I hear you all are going to the beach this next week!  Don't have too much fun without me!  It reached 120 degrees this week.  Yes you read that right.  Getting in water sounds like HEAVEN RIGHT NOW!!! Send lots of pictures and send me some lovin!  I love you all!!!!!!
 Feel free to keep sending to the VC -- the sisters in our house still go there each day and bring me home my letters --  it is so much quicker than going through the mission office!  Also Dearelders are good -- go ahead and send them away :) the mission office sorts those out pretty quick.  
I love you.  Stay safe!  I pray for each one of you individually each night.  Mwah!!!!
Sister Younce

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Full Field!

So... Guess what??
IM FULL FIELD THIS TRANSFER!!! (for the next 6 weeks at least)  Two of my favorite sisters are leaving and we are getting SEVEN new VC sisters tomorrow -- 4 spanish and 3 english.  Sister Brown and I are staying together in our area. 
Honestly I never thought anything of "transfers" before.... but holy cow they are such big things!!!! We stress all week and everybody makes predictions and it gets pretty intense!  I couldn't sleep at all on Saturday night right after we found out the news! Just so all you normal people know.... TRANSFER WEEK IS A BIG DEAL!!!
I had been guessing for the past 2 or 3 weeks that I would be staying with Sister Brown another transfer so the fact that we were staying together came as no surprise.  When I found out Full-field though.... I cried a bit!  I was pretty sad that I wouldn't be with my Sisterhood each day in the VC :( Thankfully though I will see them at least once a week if not more.... and I still have the 4 sisters that are at my house! I started getting really excited about full-field on Sunday when I was telling the bishops and ward members.  Turns out that they are SO excited to have us full time!  As of right now we don't know where those people we can teach are hiding.... but since we can do tons of service and getting to know the ward members and the young women now... I bet referrals are in our future!
Sooooo it was 111 degrees the other day.... and that is "nothing".  Ahhh thankfully we are keeping our car but we will proabbly have to end up biking about half the time or so..... The worst part about this weather honestly is that I am always ALWAYS thirsty!!! I drink constantly then I have to go to the bathroom at literally every house we stop at.... sometimes twice!  I just can't stop drinking though!  My insides feel like they are baking cookies.  Seriously, I think I could eat cookie dough and then we can set the timer and DING! The cookies are baked! Its literally that hot.  Its weird seeing that it is in the 80's in NC.... luckies!!  The heat drains me and makes me feel nauseous during the day but its okay.  I bet my body will acclimate sooner or later!  I am just SO grateful for the car!!!!  Usually our area would be a bike area even for sisters but President took one look at my skin in our first interview and knew I was too delicate of a flower!  Thank goodness for that! We will just bike in the evenings I expect.
This past week 2 missionaries went home because of illness.  Our newest roomate that had taken the place of the other Sister that went home a few weeks ago due to illness was about 15 minutes away from going home as well!  She had migraines every day due to a concussion she go in the mtc from when she fainted from dehydration... and would throw everything up.  Once again the other sister in the house had to stay home and take care of her companion.  She was set on going home untill right before she was leaving and had already basically packed.  Her seminary teacher was able to talk to her and she had an epiphany.  For days after she questioned her decision because her illness only got worse and no amount of prescription meds seemed to help her.  Finally 2 days ago she went to the Chirophrator after having MRI's and all sorts of tests this week.  They adjusted her neck and WALAA!!! SHE IS ALL BETTER! She is so grateful she stayed and finally for the first time is able to work and continue learning her spanish.  Although she had no indication that she would be getting any better by staying on the mission... she did stay and now through an amazing Chiropractic miracle she is symptom-free!!!  It really was amazing to see her before and after that appointment.  She had been unable to keep anything down for a week and had been bed-ridden for almost the past 3 weeks.  Miracle! I love the sisters in the house I am in and I'm happy to know that we are all staying together for another transfer! (The other sister, Sister Schwartz, got an extension and will be going home in 6 weeks.  She has basically been my trainer as well). 

So........WE HAVE 2 BAPTISMS THIS WEEK!!! Lori is 50 and Ryan is 11.  They are SO prepared and are golden! We had to do some major commandments teaching this week but they are amazing and are prepared to follow anything and everything that is asked of them by God.  I feel SO blessed to have been able to be a part of this!  Their baptism is on Friday June 7th at 7 pm.  I have a feeling the whole ward will be there!  
Also, Faye Felts is planning on being baptized and she has come to Church 2 times this month and is planning on going indefinitely!  The ward has really taken them in and loves her and Ed dearly.  Although he has been dragging his feet for years, we have helped them to realize that they want to act now so they can be sealed together forever!  They are the cutest couple and are still so quietly playful and in love.  Just during out last lesson we challenged Ed to become worthy to baptize is wife!  HE IS GOING TO DO IT!  He hasn't been active in 50 years and this really is such a blessing to be here for this!  Hopefully we will have a baptism for Faye in the next month or 2!  
All of those baptisms are happening in the same ward.  That ward has really really caught the missionary spirit!  We are working hard to get our other 2 wards just as excited.... hopefully now that we are full field we can devote the time we need in order to do that!  

On a last note, Tanna came and visited me!!!!!  I forgot where I was for a minute and lost all of my dignity.  When I get too excited I just screech as you all know... and I, as a sister missionary at the Mesa VC, did that.  Embarassing! The other sisters had to shush me up!  Anyways, it was so exciting and I still love that girl so much!  Just imagine my reaction if any of you walked in :) I might scream... then pee my pants... then faint!
My mission president, President Ellsworth, is about to go home on July 1!  We will be splitting the mission in July and we will get our new mission president then as well! It's an exciting time here, but a very hectic one!  Poor mission President had to arrange transfers so that he could fit in the 10 Visa waiters (they could leave literally any day then he has to figure out the logistics for companion replacements, ward needs, housing... etc) and the 40 new missionaries arriving tomorrow! Along with all the missioanaries that keep getting sick and sent home.... He also had to go ahead and plan for and receive inspiration for which mission to put the missionaries in! So much pressure! We all prayed for him multiple times each day (especially in mission prayer which is a mission-wide prayer we all kneel down for daily at 7:55 am.  I love it!)

Anyways, this mission is great!  Things are looking up! (including the temperatures that are skyrocketing!)  I love you all so much!!! I can't wait to hear how awesome everyones summer is so far!  How has the weather been? When is the beach trip?  Bingley still coffee table sized? Lily and B saying any super cute things? (tell me about them! I want a laugh!!!) John and Dani still studying all the time? Mom and Dad still amazing?!!! Grandpa still coming over each Sunday?
I LOVE YOU ALL!!! Thank you for all your love and support.  I love your letters!!!!
ps.  Special thank you to Mom and Dad for sending me letters that I got this week :) I love letters more than I even love ice cream at this point! Mwah!

Sister Younce