Monday, December 16, 2013

Sister Rebecca Younce emails from 12/9/13 and 12/16/13

Email from...12/16/2013

Sorry family, this is going to be a very brief email!
This past week has been great! We are over halfway done with Christmas lights (we go till January 1) and we just found out that we will have a meeting with Jeffrey R. Holland on January 11! Last night we set a record! We had 50 people in the vc accept missionaries in their homes, and about 40 people to contact and follow up with! Never in the history of the Mesa VC have there been 50 people accept missionaries in one night! (The record was 30 i believe) We have been praying for each other each night, and I have never felt such unity with all the sisters. I'm still struggling with some parts of my time during Christmas lights, but a little part of a talk I read has helped me.

"In some cases the fence we erect around our hearts could be likened to a small picket fence with a Welcome sign on the gate. Other hearts have been so hurt or so deadened by sin that they have an eight-foot
(2.5-m) chain-link fence topped with razor wire around them. The gate is padlocked and has a large No Trespassing sign on it.

Let us apply the idea of a gateway to the heart to receiving personal revelation. Nephi taught, “When a man speaketh by the power of the
Holy Ghost the power of the Holy Ghost carrieth it unto the hearts of the children of men.”11 Elder David A. Bednar noted the use of the word unto: “Please notice how the power of the Spirit carries the message unto but not necessarily into the heart. … Ultimately, … the content of a message and the witness of the Holy Ghost penetrate into
the heart only if a receiver allows them to enter.”

Why just unto the heart? Individual agency is so sacred that Heavenly Father will never force the human heart, even with all His infinite power. Man may try to do so, but God does not. To put it another way,
God allows us to be the guardians, or the gatekeepers, of our own hearts. We must, of our own free will, open our hearts to the Spirit, for He will not force Himself upon us."

I feel the spirit work through me often when I talk to people at the VC. Sometimes I discount that and beat myself up. But I come to appreciate more and more that these people have their agency. Maybe it's not their time. Or maybe I can just be glad that I allowed a
child of god to exercise their agency, which is one of Gods greatest gifts to us. The fact that I feel the spirit means that it is there and is speaking unto their hearts, but whether or not their heart is
open and allows it into their heart is up to them!

I have gotten to be companions with each of the Spanish sisters so far! It has been a really neat experience. There is a new sister from Bolivia who just got here 2 weeks ago, sister Taboada. She spoke no English prior to coming on her mission, yet I saw her powerfully speak and testify of Christ in English this past week on the microphone for an audience of 50 people. Talk about faith! I love so much having a diverse group of sisters from all over the world. There are so many backgrounds and trials they each have gone through, but we all come together being one in purpose and we are confident because we are on the Lord's errand.

Perhaps my favorite times of each day are our prayer circles. We all kneel in a circle for a prayer before our shift starts. Then at the end of the day, though we are all so tired and drained, we kneel on the ground at 10:30 pm and everyone scrambles to get as close as possible to one another to "cuddle pray". Everyone expresses their love following the prayer, and it is a rare night that you get away from the VC without giving at least one hug and "I love you " to every single sister there. It's as close to "Zion" as I have ever felt.

We also had a great mission party this last week! We had a steak lunch and lots of games, we got to play in a "bell" performance and then we finished off the party by listening to Fred Ashby and Clyde Bonam. I was amazing. I feel so spoiled in this mission, and especially in our wards. I will send pictures of the ways the wards have been spoiling us a well...

Lexys baptism was set back till January because she came down with bronchitis. Oh well! I can't wait for it!

I love you all! I have to go now! Ill try to send a better email next week.


Email from 12/09/13
Hey family and friends! 

I'm so sorry I didnt get to write at all last week.  Its been crazy here! 
Right now I am really trying not to lose myself in the shuffle, and to somehow stay obedient to the missionary schedule and way of life, despite the lack of time! 

So, Christmas Lights at the Mesa Temple started since last time I wrote!  Can I just tell you...WOW!!! SO many people. SO many lights. SO much of the spirit felt here each night. SO much of a focus on Christ!!!!

It is also SO much colder than I expected!  Seriously, it was 80 degrees one day and then the next day was 40 degrees!  I guess there is no fall weather here.  I have gotten so accustomed to the awful heat, so now my poor body is just freezing! This past week I got to announce one of the Concerts on the lawn.  I was outside for the hour before that greeting and inviting people inside the VC, then we went to announce the concert and had to sit outside on the lawn for the next 45 minutes.  That was the coldest I have been in years as the wind blew at me, which makes me laugh a little since it was in the 40's.... not in the teens or even in the negatives ( how do you survive Elder Moss?!!) I will really enjoy the package mom is sending with the tights and scarves :)

Each night we have dinner at 4 pm with members.  Its inconvenient for them I am sure, but they are so understanding and accommodating :) We then report to the VC at 5 and have a prayer meeting at 5:30.  The lights turn on at 5, and there are full-field sisters out there inviting people inside all night (they have hour and 1/2 shifts), so we start to get the crowds around 6 when we start our shifts.  An english sister is paired with a different spanish sister each night, and we have 10 different rotations. 

1) Front Steps (stand outside and invite people to come in -- many people think the VC is the temple and they arent allowed in!)

 2) Front Greet (stand in the Lobby and try to herd the crowds all the different ways to where they would like to go)

 3) Christus (stand by the large statue of Jesus Christ and present it and end the presentation for new crowds ever 4-5 minutes)

4) Movie (WE JUST GOT A NEW MOVIE! Instead of showing the 1987 version of Luke 2 we now get to show a brand new movie called "the Nativity".  It’s beautiful and really invites the spirit.  Here we start and end the movie, and invite people to learn more about our Savior by meeting with missionaries)

 5) Savior of the World room (walk around the room with the Jerusalem replica and paintings of Christ, talk with everyone, and invite people to learn more)

 6) Movie (same as 4)

 7) God's Plan for his family (Present the walk through movie presentation of how the Gospel of Jesus Christ Blesses Families.  We start this every 5 minutes then walk through with the crowds.  So many people feel the spirit in this presentation and are moved by it!)

8) Back Greet (stand in the back lobby, and greet and direct the people who come in to the different exhibits. Often we ask them if they know of anyone that might be interested in learning more from us!)

9) Nativities (watch over the room full of 115 nativities from all around the world. Make sure no one steals the baby Jesus (it has happened many times!) and talk to everyone about Christ)

 10) Float (walk around the VC and talk with EVERYONE you see, strengthen their faith in Jesus Christ, and invite them to come closer to him by learning more!)

We go through 4 different rotations each night.  I have found that the spots where I am just supposed to float around and talk with everyone are the hardest for me!  I never realized just how socially awkward I really am until Christmas lights.  CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!   During this time, we get to talk to everyone.  Its hard sometimes, but as I focus my conversation on what is really important to them, it naturally flows to their Savior.  I am rejected over and over by people, but I keep on inviting them to learn more.  In the end, the 1000's of "No's" wont mean a thing to me when I receive that one "yes" and I see the joy that is brought into their life from living the Gospel. 

Also, about 1/3 of the visitors each night are "snowbirds" from the Northern United States and Canada.  They are quite unfriendly and often rude to me, but I have to say that my experience with them is turning into a blessing.  I have the opportunity to learn to love even more fully, and as I do that, I desire even more fiercely to share with them something that I know will Bless their lives beyond comprehension.  Oh how I love those snowbirds!  Every grumpy old man I meet that waves me away brings an even bigger smile to my face as I greet the next visitor :) 

Our time with each visitor might be very short, but the spirit is really making up for the lack of time we have.  He helps us so much to know what to say to each person that walks in.  He also helps direct us to those that have open hearts.  This week I had a great experience with one woman in particular.  It was 20 minutes till closing, and we were still 4 short of our goal for the night.  The place was empty, and as I looked around me all I could see were missionaries.  Finally, a couple walked through the back doors and walked straight to the Nativity room.  I looked at my trainer and said "I've got this!" and followed them into the room, praying fervently in my heart for the words to say to them.  Immediately as I started talking to the couple, I felt my whole body tingle all over, and I began to receive direct instructions from the spirit on what to say and do.  I knew exactly what to ask them about to strengthen their faith, exactly what I needed to say so that they felt comfortable with me and trusted me, and exactly what I needed to teach at all the right times.  They had come in just to look and both were very happy with their church they go to.  They are both Youth Counselors for the church in fact, yet as I taught them about the Great Apostasy, their faces both lit up and they knew what I was teaching was true. I then talked to them about Prayer and how they know that God answers their prayers.  They both have such a strong testimony of prayer and the guidance they can receive from their Heavenly Father.  By the time I felt I needed to invite them to learn more, they both knew they could and that their beliefs would not be threatened by doing so.  They can simply learn what we have to teach, and depend on that relationship they have with God already to direct them to what is right. 

They ended up leaving after having given me their information.  The woman even let me know that she was really looking forward to hearing from me again.  I ran into the back room after this and knelt in a prayer of Gratitude.  What an amazing experience for me.  I had never felt the Spirit guide me so directly, and I hope every day that I can live worthy of such guidance in all that I do.

I know that Heavenly Father wants all of his Children to return home to him at the end of this journey, and he is doing everything he can to direct his Children.  I know this to be true, and I know that God loves each and every one of us so very much.  He wants a relationship with us, and he loves us unconditionally, no matter how far we have strayed.  He is waiting with open and loving arms. 

I love you all!
Sister Younce

Here is the new movie that we are showing to all the visitors! (copy and paste) I hope that you will watch this often  this Christmas season!

Here is more information on the Great Apostasy. Read it and enjoy! 
The Great Apostasy
After the death of Jesus Christ, wicked people persecuted the Apostles and Church members and killed many of them. With the death of the Apostles, priesthood keys and the presiding priesthood authority were taken from the earth. The Apostles had kept the doctrines of the gospel pure and maintained the order and standard of worthiness for Church members. Without the Apostles, over time the doctrines were corrupted, and unauthorized changes were made in Church organization and priesthood ordinances, such as baptism and conferring the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Without revelation and priesthood authority, people relied on human wisdom to interpret the scriptures and the principles and ordinances of the gospel of Jesus Christ. False ideas were taught as truth. Much of the knowledge of the true character and nature of God the Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost was lost. The doctrines of faith in Jesus Christ, repentance, baptism, and the gift of the Holy Ghost became distorted or forgotten. The priesthood authority given to Christ’s Apostles was no longer present on the earth. This apostasy eventually led to the emergence of many churches.
After centuries of spiritual darkness, truth-seeking men and women protested against current religious practices. They recognized that many of the doctrines and ordinances of the gospel had been changed or lost. They sought for greater spiritual light, and many spoke of the need for a restoration of truth. They did not claim, however, that God had called them to be a prophet. Instead, they tried to reform teachings and practices that they believed had been changed or corrupted. Their efforts led to the organization of many Protestant churches. This Reformation resulted in an increased emphasis on religious freedom, which opened the way for the final Restoration.
The Savior’s Apostles foretold this universal apostasy. They also foretold that the gospel of Jesus Christ and His Church would be restored once more upon the earth.
               Key Points
               The Church of Jesus Christ is built on the foundation of apostles and prophets (see Ephesians 2:19–20; 4:11–14). These leaders have divine priesthood authority. Through revelation they direct the affairs of the Church. They maintain doctrinal purity, authorize the administration of ordinances, and call and confer upon others the priesthood authority.
               People rejected and killed Jesus Christ and the Apostles (see Matthew 24:9; 1 Nephi 11:32–34; 2 Nephi 27:5). With the death of the Apostles, the presiding priesthood authority was absent from the Church. Consequently, there was no longer authority to confer the Holy Ghost or perform other saving ordinances. Revelation ceased, and doctrine became corrupted.
               Even before the death of the Apostles, many conflicts concerning doctrine arose. The Roman Empire, which at first had persecuted the Christians, later adopted Christianity. Important religious questions were settled by councils. The simple doctrines and ordinances taught by the Savior were debated and changed to conform to worldly philosophies (see Isaiah 24:5). They physically changed the scriptures, removing plain and precious doctrines from them (1 Nephi 13:26–40). They created creeds, or statements of belief, based on false and changed doctrine (see Joseph Smith—History 1:19). Because of pride, some aspired to positions of influence (see 3 John 1:9–10). People accepted these false ideas and gave honor to false teachers who taught pleasing doctrines rather than divine truth (see 2 Timothy 4:3–4)
               Throughout history, many people have sincerely believed false creeds and doctrines. They have worshiped according to the light they possessed and have received answers to their prayers. Yet they are “kept from the truth because they know not where to find it” (D&C 123:12).
Therefore, a restoration, not a reformation, was required. Priesthood authority did not continue in an unbroken line of succession from the Apostle Peter. To reform is to change what already exists; to restore is to bring back something in its original form. Thus, restoration of priesthood authority through divine messengers was the only possible way to overcome the Great Apostasy.