Monday, October 20, 2014

Last emails of Sister Younce's Mission!

Email from 10/20/2014

Hey Yall! Everyone that has heard my parents speak say that they do
have a southern twang,.. But they all say that I'm neutral!  Let's
help me get back into my southern ways starting tomorrow!

It's been quite a last week! We had lots of farewell celebrations and
testimony meetings for the 6 departing sisters from the VC, and it was
mostly a house-keeping week.  We taught a few lessons, but more so I
was concentrating on making sure everything was taken care of and that
there weren't any loose ends with investigators and he people I had
taught before. There was such an outpouring of love as everyone in the
ward thanked me for my service and embraced me.

We did get to go to see "meet the MORMONS" as a mission, and it was
great! Have Yall gone to see it yet or is it even still playing in
Raleigh? I really want to go to Elizabeth city nc now to have the
candy drop reinactment! Later that day we also got to go with the
youth from our ward (along with a few friends of other faiths) to the
Phoenix temple open house!  It's a smaller temple, but it's gorgeous!
The theme throughout it is the aloe plant, which brings peace and
healing. I loved going through it, and the spirit was strong there,
even without it being dedicated yet!  It will be nice for those that
are in the west part of the valley to have a closer temple. When the
family visits with me later we will have to go to all the temples!  I
love how they all reflect the landscape here and are very particular
to arizona.

Sister Kohler got her transfer news, and she is getting sister rios as
a companion! She is "killing" or sending home her first two
companions! But I think they will be great together. My firstborn
child, and my last born child will be together. I'm sure they will
have nothing better to do than to talk about all my annoying habits
all day together ;) just kidding! They will be a power companionship.

I have been so giddy with excitement the past few days, but I think
once I get on my bed that first night, my stomach will drop and I will
think frantically "now what?!"  Im not sure what my future holds, but
I am excited about it nonetheless.  This mission has been the greatest
gift, and the best experience for me to start the rest of my life! I
have never loved people more, worried more, or been on my knees in
prayer more than these past 18 months!  I would never trade it for the
world.  Thank you for supporting me through this journey, and
especially for all your words of support each week.  You really have
been such a strength to me!  Thank you thank you thank you.

I hope to keep the spirit with me always, and that is my greatest goal
after my mission! Each day I will strive to do the little things to
qualify for the companionship of the Holy Ghost.  I hope you all will
join me on this continuing journey to becoming even more dedicated
disciples of Christ along side me! This is Gods church in the earth
today, and God DOES still speak to us through his chosen servants, the
prophets.  He loves us to an infinite degree, and he has given us the
way to return back to him.

I love you all, and I can't wait to see you tomorrow in the airport!
I'll try not to pee my pants from the excitement of seeing you!

Xoxo. Till tomorrow!
Sister Becca Younce

Email from 9/29/2014

I loved getting to start this last week off with a special delivery. Thanks so much hannah!  Everyone was a little confused as to why they had "madam secretary" on them, but we ALL agreed they were delicious! It's pretty hard to get your hands on that many Georgetown cupcakes, so I definitely owe hannah ;) 

Apart from getting a little fatter from those delicious air-mailed treats, I don't have too much to report on from this week.  We went to the temple, and as I was there I felt directed to start reading the book of Hebrews.  I have never really paid much attention to the Pauline appistles, but as I have delved into them since that very clear prompting I recieved in the temple, my studies have been so meaningful! As I read the espistles from Paul, my testimony of the restored church, priesthood, and gospel has been reaffirmed! I love that I can read anywhere in the scriptures and I am able to receive knowledge from God that directs me in my everyday life. It sheds light on my life, and allows everything to be just that much brighter and more illuminated everyday.  I wish everyone could recognize the immense gift we have in our canon of scripture at our fingertips... I have such a strong testimony that when we want to communicate with God, we pray, and if we want him to communicate with us, the surest way is to open our scriptures 👍

My everyday personal study of my scriptures is the one sure part of my missionary schedule that I will be continuing after my mission.  I don't think I could sanely go a day without it anymore! 

Right now in our ward, we aren't necessarily teaching anyone that is progressing towards baptism, but we are fulfilling a greater purpose we have come to realize! We as missionaries are ward builders! Right now, more than anything this ward needs to help many of it members to progress towards making further covenants, many new members need "new member lessons" that they never received, and many that are currently not attending church need to be brought back, uplifted, and have their testimonies strengthened. As the ward continues to be strengthened, I am positive that those that are prepared to receive the gospel will be brought forth! I am grateful to be of use to this ward, and to get to serve in this capacity...I have gotten to serve in so many different wards, and they all have such different strengths and weaknesses, especially since they are all made up of imperfect humans, just like you and I! My time as a missionary has allowed to take part in teaching and baptizing,yes, but it has also helped me to become prepared to build up and lift Gods kingdom in whatever ward or branch I will be a part of for the rest of my life! I'm so excited to continue to be an instrument in Gods hands :). When I go home, as cheesy as it sounds, my mission won't be ending... I will be transferred and receive different companions, but my mission will be my life! Just like all of you as you righteously live the gospel and do your part to build Gods kingdom are missionaries. 

I love all of you!  Mwah Mwah mwah! 

Sister Becca Younce