Monday, May 19, 2014

Sister Younce (6 past emails April 7th 2014 back to March 10th 2014)

 The following are past emails dating back from April 28th to March 10th.
Email from April 28th, 2014

Family! I'm so sorry, but I won't get to send out an email this week. I was exhausted so I slept for a much needed 3 hours today, and then we had a district nerf war activity! It was a blast! I'm so grateful
though to dad, Adam, Hannah, and mom that emailed me, and for Ross who emailed me a few weeks ago, as well as grandpa! I really really do appreciate it. It helps me to feel close to home and I love getting them all the time ;).

Summary of week -- I had an awesome exchange in a ysa ward with sister hale! I got to hold 3 day old baby kittens and enjoyed my time with sister hale from temple square!

Then the baptism of nancy was amazing! We ended up with 2 investigators with baptismal dates the next day due to the spirit felt there. They are neighbors of Nancy's. The spirit was so strong you could have cut it with a knife. I never wanted to leave. We wished we
could have recorded the entire thing and watched it over and over.

The work is really hastening here! We have such a busy week ahead, where every single 30 minute spot is already booked for the week. It's exciting!

How is life at home? Ap tests coming up and babies bursting forth , woohoo!

We are really encouraging everyone here to read preach my gospel and we are following up often on each family. I hope I can do that with you all as well ;). I'm so excited for Mother's Day when I get to talk
to you all! I'm sorry for the brevity, but just know I love you ;).

Sister Becca ann younce

Becca’s email from April 21, 2014

I know all of you have probably seen the video "because of him" and if you haven't... Go watch it! It's been a huge blessing to get to show that to everyone I see. We had the final week of Easter pageant this week. My one day away from the temple was Friday night... Which also happened to be the one night that the moss' came and Faye and Ed
felts! I wish I could have been there! But I wouldn't have traded what we were doing instead for the world. Nancy was having her baptismal interview, and she passed! She has forced us to go back on sweets, (but thankfully no that does not mean that she has gone back to smoking!) but we are doing it grudgingly! I lost some weight from that 2 weeks of no sweets, so I'm going to try to make it fairly permanent. I loved getting all the dried fruit and yummy organic
Annie's snacks in my Easter package! So fun!

On Saturday I got to go on an exchange with sister Beaudette and avanesjan! Sister beaudette as most of you probably remember was my sweet former companion, and sister avanesjan is Armenian but most recently from Germany. It was a great day with them! I prayed really hard at first for help to make me into the leader God needs me to be, and to guide me by the spirit during the exchange to help the sisters.
It was so neat to see that happen. At one point we were in an apartment complex and we were trying to get in touch with their investigator with no luck. Instead we saw a Mexican guy walk by and before I knew it I was walking quickly to him across the lawn and
asking him if I could share an Easter message with him. He agreed, and I shared "because of him" with him. He loved it, and it looks like we
got the sisters a new person to teach! Then we were about to walk back to the car, but I asked if we could go knock on a door of an apartment close by. We did, and as she opened the door I asked if we could share an Easter message with the family. She agreed and opened the door and let us in (that is VERY unusual in Mesa in English work!). It turned out that the woman was a less active who had not been to church in over 30 years, with her 10 year old daughter living
with her. The 10 year old quickly let us know what she wants to follow Jesus Christ, and the woman let us know what she had CPs take her other 7 children long ago, but that because of Him (Jesus Christ) she
was able to have a second chance. It was so sweet to see them embrace each other and they agreed to come to church the next day and to take lessons for the 10 year old to get baptized! It was amazing! The church had lost track of that woman a long time ago, and the ward had no idea she was there! They are both ready to follow Christ in whatever way they can! Woohoo! I just hope I can be that willing to open my mouth in my own area too! Miracles can always be found... ESPECIALLY on exchanges!

Saturday night was then the last night of Easter pageant! I had eaten mcdonalds fries and chicken for the first time in over a year, and they did a number on me! So I was out of commission curled in a ball
in the back for most of the night, but thankfully I was able to go and watch the last pageant performance! One of the apostles in the pageant is a good friend, so he saved seats for us in the 4th row
front and center! I loved getting to watch the faces up close and then it was so powerful as Christ was being pushed around and beaten when I was able to see his face and agony he was in. I know it wasn't
the real thing, but it really is pretty magnetic to watch. Afterwards, I got to see don Nelson (baptized last June) and Diane (baptized in February)!

Yesterday we went to two sacrament meetings, and shared a few family messages, had Easter dinner at our bishops home, and then we had the visitors center til 9! I missed having a family egg hunt -- and I
definately can't wait to see the mega big egg!! (Picture please?!) but overall, I was thrilled to have my Easter here. I was really able to focus on the atonement and the real reason to celebrate Easter this

How did each of you find a way to focus on Christ this Easter?

I hope all of you had a wonderful Easter! I love you and miss you!
Thank you so much for the emails!

Sister Becca younce.

Ps. I heard that our former investigator, Mary, who we just helped to move a few weeks ago, passed away suddenly. It was sad to hear, but we knew she was very sad and unhappy and in pain, so I'm glad she's in a
better place now!

Becca’s email from April 7, 2014

Family! I feel so terrible that I keep sending such short and rushed emails. Things just seem to get busier and busier here on the mission! It's hard when I can't resort to just staying up late to get it all done ;) like I usually do.

Here is a little update! Sister Pickett and I are enjoying being sister training leaders so much! We love the sisters we work with and it's a good remedy for when we are feeling bogged down, to have to
look out wards and try to think of those sisters. I'm finding that the cure for all unhappiness is to stop thinking of yourself, and to serve others. We are doing our exchanges on the few nights we have off
from the visitors center, and my first official one comes in a few days. To prepare for the we have met with each companionship to get to know them this last week and to see what their goals are so that we
can help them attain them, as well as what struggles they are having. I've loved those meetings with them.

Our training was pretty scattered, but it seemed to be a success at MLC last week! I almost feinted from nerves in all honesty... But it was a good experience. Now we get to have car inspections ( we get to wax the car today!) and interviews with president tomorrow, and then give our training again in Zone training meeting on Wednesday. Woohoo!

The Easter pageant dress rehearsals have been happening almost every night, and usually the kids and families performing are still rehearsing when we go home at 9:30. The impression I have gotten though is that the cast is just so immensely passionate about what they are doing, that it hardly seems like a sacrifice. Every single song and act is in reverence and adoration of Jesus Christ. Even watching the dress rehearsals each night has increased the spirit in
the Vc so immensely. I can't wait for the first show on Wednesday night! We will be going back to our Christmas lights schedule where we get home at 10:45, and wake up at 7-7:30 instead, with dinners at 4
pm. Thankfully this will just be a sprint, in comparison to the marathon at Christmas lights! We have been practicing our opening and closing invitations and testimonies for the christus as well as the movies (witness of Christ and gods plan for his families ) They still need to be 20 seconds each and we are supposed to TTIP. ( teach testify invite and promise blessings) all within 20 seconds at the
beginning and end! Im looking forward to getting to float around and talk to the people so that I can really get to know them and bear testimony to them When I am not on those posts.

I will have a shortened pday by 3 hours today, due to pictures with the vc sisters on the Easter pageant stage. (Hence the short email!)

We are off of all sweets for our investigator. I feel I can tell you her name at this point... Sister c is named nancy! She will be baptized on April 26th, and we are so excited for her! She has truly seen the gospel change her life, as it just started out as a little seed of faith and hope, and now it's blooming into a beautiful and fruitful tree. I just love nancy! Anytime in our area at night for the
next 2 weeks will primarily be spent with preparing her for the covenant she will be making at baptism!

How is everything going at home? Thank you Ross, Adam, Hannah, mom and dad and everyone else that takes the time to email me! I read all of them a few times through, and I want to reply so badly! But time
is just so so so limited here. I appreciate y'all so so much ;)

I love you family! What was your favorite part of conference? I loved it all, though I really loved elder Richard g Scott's talk! I want to
invite you all to study those talks and to pray to know what you can each take from those talks to apply in your own lives more fully. The words spoken on Saturday and Sunday were truly from God.

I love you all! Mwah!

Sister Becca Younce

March 31st, 2014 email from Becca

Hey family! I am feeling pretty scattered right now,so forgive me if my email reflects that!
This week we were really just thrown in there. On Monday when I dropped off sister Hamstead and I was saying my final goodbyes to the sisters going home... I just suddenly broke down! I hadn't quite
realized deep down that this would be my final goodbye to sister valladares, who has now returned home to Honduras. The impact that sister valladares has made on my life would be impossible to put into
words in a little email. I learned from her the importance of staying close to the spirit, and how even one little interaction with someone can be inspired and help a person realize the road God has in mind for them.

She has shown me how to be a loving, true, and submissive servant of The Lord. I couldn't thank her enough! Sister Cameron (vc directors
wife) is having me type up our story, and she wants to send it to Salt Lake. Who knows where it will go ;)

She is now home, along with Sister Hamstead in Georgia, sister DeMille in st George Utah, and sister brownell in Oregon. The visitors center
just isn't the same without them, and we are all eager for next transfer when we will be getting at least 4 new sisters in the vc! Our numbers are getting low, and 4 are leaving in a month.

Sister Pickett is a great companion! She is from Oakley, Idaho and her family owns and runs a big farm there. She just recently was serving in Apache Junction, and this is her first area with 2 wards.
Her first 6 months was spent in a singles ward in the ghetto part of Mesa, so this is quite an adjustment ;) whereas I started out in 3 wards, and I can't imagine what I would do just covering 1 Mesa ward! She is a sweetie pie though, and we get along great ;). I love that she is a very obedient missionary, and is always close to the spirit. It will be a great experience to be together.

We are both pretty stressed out with time. We are both the newest STL's, yet they asked us to do the main training in Mission Leadership Council tomorrow for 45 minutes. Aka the trainings done in MLC are
then repeated throughout the whole mission in smaller meetings so that all 250 missionaries hear it. We are training the mission tomorrow. Pressure, huh? :) We both feel pretty inadequate, and we still have
no idea what we are really doing, but somehow we both feel at peace with it. Tonight we will put all of our thoughts together, and I'm sure a little freak out session will follow!

Sister C is progressing so beautifully! She is still set to be baptized on April 19th. Yesterday was her first day of not smoking, so this week is a big one! Pease send any extra prayers her way! Her understanding and enthusiasm for the gospel is inspiring. We can see it changing every facet of her life!

We also got to attend our stake's performance of The Lamb of God this Wednesday! It was amazing. My body was flooded with the warmth of the spirit from the first word sung, and it lasted till the 2 hour
performance was finished. If you like Les. Mis , then just imagine when beautiful music like that and lyrics all about the savior, are put together! It was overpowering and i hope each of you get to see it
performed live sometime. I love the many opportunities we have to turn our thoughts to Jesus Christ at this time of year. As soon as this training is over tomorrow, all I will be able to feel is my excitement
for the Easter Pageant and for sister c's baptism!

I truly love this work! Sometimes it seems impossible, but in reality it would only be impossible if I was trying to do it alone. God is providing a way for me to do his work and accomplish all he has entrusted me with. Whom God calls, he qualifies. I can feel the truth of that statement in my life!

I am sad I missed the double baby shower, but I'm glad I got to see someone else who was sad to miss it as well-- rachelle! I love getting visitors!! I know the name Rosie is decided, but has baby Weatherspoon been named yet?

I love you all! SO MUCH! I hope you're enjoying your spring!


Sister Becca Younce


March 24th, 2014 email from Becca

Hola familia!

Donde estas? Just kidding! A combination of the multilingual vc sisters and elder moss has inspired me to be multilingual I suppose.... So I have pretty much decided that the first 6 months I'm home I am going to work for some airlines so I can get flight benefits
( to become more independent and put a down payment on a decent car), attend every institute class I can and be involved with the missionaries locally, and relearn Italian so I can jump back into it at NCSU! Then after that time, I will jump right back into being a student again and hopefully I will graduate in a year or so ;) But ya know how life just always goes exactly as planned, right?

I guess "killing" a companion, or sending them home, makes you really consider what you want to do when you go back as well! I was talking
to sister brown about it the other day, since she is also "killing" her companion, and she feels the same way as me. We are going to so many farewell things, that we feel like we are going home now too!
Then we realize that's not true.... And well... It's just a weird feeling! I don't want to be done yet!! The babies have to be born first and have time to get some chub on the before I can go home! ;)
We ended up speaking in both wards yesterday. It was an extremely spiritually uplifting day, and I felt the spirits guidance so much. The people here are just so amazing and they have such good, giving,
and charitable hearts with a deep understanding of how to actually live and breath the gospel of Jesus Christ! I have found so many great examples here, and I want to use many of the things I see here in my
future parenting and family! During our talks, we both cried a bunch! The spirit was just too strong and it ended up leaking out of our tear ducts!! :D haha along with some strong emotions.

So usually transfer news isnt announced until Saturday night at 9pm. But because of the new technology in the mission, it's hard to keep the news from leaking.... Especially in the VC! I knew who I was going to be with by Thursday morning..... Sister Pickett! And then I got a call saturday morning from president asking me to be a sister training leader (almost like a sister zone leader .... But just over the sisters ) with sister Pickett! I am staying in my house and
staying in these wards. Yayyyyy! I'm really excited for this next transfer. It will be busy with the extra duties as VC administrative sister, stl and the exchanges that go along with it, and the EASTER
PAGEANT each night for 2 weeks, but I'm pumped! It's funny, we all need to feel needed so I want leadership duties... But when you are called to be a leader often you have the most humbling experiences!! I
know I will learn so much from the sisters I get to work with. Sister Pickett is a sweetie from Idaho. Sister Hamstead actually trained her, and she came out only a transfer after me. She has always worked in the ghetto, so I'm excited to show her the other half
of Mesa ;). She is a hard worker, and I know a lot will continue to go on in our area.

For sister hamsteads last weekend as a missionary, we had Mulans's baptism! It was great. A little rowdy and with lots of quirks, but that's just how that ward (Leonora ward) goes :) Everyone there is a
little crazy, but SO friendly, so they all get along nicely and just go crazy together ;) Mulans's mom has been inactive since she was 8 years old, and knows almost nothing about the church she belongs to.
She has been trying to get off work for Sundays for months now.... And finally... We all prayed for her, and then the next day she was able to find an open shift to switch with permanently! She will now be off
work on Saturdays and Sundays and will be able to come to church with her 3 kids!! She is so excited, and it was a huge miracle for the whole family. Mulan will be confirmed and get the gift of the Holy Ghost next Sunday so her mom can be there ;). It was probably the
biggest and most exciting event in their family in years and years, and you could just see how the spirit was working on the mom and
grandma. I watched as the mom openly wept as her daughter was immersed in the baptismal font. We went to comfort her, and she told
us that mulan was no longer just her child now, but that she was a daughter and disciple of Christ now. We all celebrated with cookies at
the church, then we had a big dinner at a members house for mulan! Her friend that was with her told us she wanted to be baptized too... Although she may not understand what that means yet, we might just
have someone new to teach due to that baptism ;)

As I type this, sister Hamstead is in her final interview with president Jenkins, so I don't have too long to finish this before they are done with the interview. We will be running errands to find little
momentos for her family before we have to have her at the mission home for her last evening and supper as a missionary! I will be with sister brown for the next 2 days, and I might end up "day training" a sister for a night before I get sister Pickett. We shall see -- maybe 4 companions in one week!
I'm excited for sister Hamstead to go home and see her family. She has served with all her heart, and her family should be proud of her! I
read in alma 17 today when Ammon and Alma see each other after having spent years apart while on their missions. They see each other for the first time and Ammon collapses with joy, and there is a joyous meeting with the two of them! I imagine that will be what it is like when I see my loved ones after my mission is through if I serve with all my
heart. I know it will be hard too leave Mesa, but I know all will feel right in the world once I am with my family again! I only have 6 months left to serve The Lord in this capacity! I'm going to work hard
till the last ;)

I love you family! I can't wait to tell you more about sister Pickett
next week!

Sister Younce

Ps they had a super Saturday on Saturday where all of the families and participants of the Easter pageant were on the VC's front lawn rehearsing all day! I'll send a picture.


Becca’s email from March 17, 2014

Family! Man, our weather is so different right now! I'm sweating already and we have the AC on full blast everyday..... It's only march!! But then you are having cold and rain? Sadly that actually sounds really good to me right now! I would give anything to cuddle up in a big sweater when it's cold outside, but next winter I'll be home and it had better be a cold one ;)

We had zone conference this week, and during it we got word that there were going to be quite a few rules changed. Funny enough, I'm actually grateful for more rules. You sign up for rules as a missionary, and
they really are for our own good. It didn't feel right to have as much freedom as we have had for a while now. I think the rules will help our mission to be more consecrated and focused -- which is sometimes a
challenge a bit more than other missions because of the iPads with us all day (and SO many 18 and 19 year olds!) I love the structure, and I think these rules in particular are just enough to lift our mission,
rather than weigh it down. We also got a wonderful book for each missionary for he Easter season for a major mission wide study of the atonement. It starts march 21 and I'm so excited! Yes I have come to
understand r atonement more on my mission, but it still is the central point in our beliefs, yet one of the least understood principles! The day before zone conference I was texted and asked to give a 20 minute
training for the conference. Sister Hamstead also gave one and she was given 2.5 weeks notice! We had vc shift and lessons back to back so I basically had the hour before bed that night to think about it. Thankfully The Lord provided a way since he knew I had done all I could do under the circumstances. The other people didn't even know they were to give trainings, so mine ended up turning into a 30-40 minute one with practices to fill in for theirs as well! They had
been trying to split up the zone leaders this transfer to "lift" the mission as an experiment, but it resulted in an obvious lack of communication as you can see :) it will probably be changing this next
week ;) My first district leader then zone leader has been an assistant to the president for quite some time now, and is getting released this coming transfer. It's been great to have him as one of my leaders for my whole mission -- hopefully he will be sent to our
stake to help us jump start the missionary work here!

Do y'all remember my trainer, sister brown? Well we had a lunch with some sisters that are going home and their companions today. It hits me every time I talk to her just how humble and amazing she is. She
is still my missionary idol in the mission, and I know I was so so blessed to have had her train me. She trained me so patiently and diligently!

Sister Hamstead is going home next Tuesday! This is her pday to pack and prepare to go home so she is packing as I send this email! Her little brother left for Brazil today for his mission. He has been in
the mtc for 6 weeks, and he recieved notification that he would have to wait for his visa in independence Missouri. He notified his gsmily about that, but failed to tell them that later on that day last week
he ended up getting his visa! Surprise! It will be elder hamsteads first week in Brazil, and sister hamsteads last week in Mesa! I'm sure it's a strange time for their family! She is going home to a
different home an before their mission even, and her family will be quite different. Her older sister was married while she was gone and her brother is now on my mission for two years, and they are in a new
house. She is such a trooper though. She works so hard, and hasn't slowed down a bit... Like some missionaries do toward the end. Heavenly Father is rewarding her for her diligence during her last
week .... With a baptism! Little mulan is 9 and asked us Sunday if she could be baptized on the 22nd! It's been approved, so we are teaching her each day with week, and she will be baptized Saturday, and
confirmed Sunday! Sister Hamstead won't even have a spare minute to get emotional or trunky! (Missionary term for having her heart back at home                    
h  instead of in the mission ) she's s great
example to me and we
have seen so so many miracles this past 5 weeks. I think she has been glad to hit the pavement hard this last transfer of her mission with me. I'll be excited to see who I sm getting next, which we find out on Saturday!! I think I will be staying here, but I will for sure have a new companion. ;). I have a feeling I will be getting my first
blonde companion! Woot woot!

I can't wait to hear where john and dani will be going! Ahhhhh!
Happy birthday Adam! I love you stinky brains!

I should go now. I love you all so much! Thank you for the letters I've been getting, I adore them! And thank you mommy for the amazing package -- I'm stocked on healthy snacks for he next few weeks now, and well... I'm stocked on everything. ;)

Mwah! PINCH!

Sister Becca younce

Ps. I'm psyched for the Easter pageant!

Pps. Elder moss I am soooo excited for you!!



 March 10, 2014

We had a blast at our Leonora ward Leau! There was an AWESOME Elvis impersonator there and all the youth did some really funny hawaiian themed entertainment numbers! Moki's hawaiian bbq catered, and all the
proceedings went towards the girls going to girls camp! They put us in charge of serving the salads in the food line. It was an opportunity
to say Aloha to, and greet every single person (about 250 people) that came to the event! It was a LOT of fun -- in fact it was probably the most fun ive ever had at a ward function. The Young Men were all such
great sports as they played the Ukelele and did polynesian battle cries! Even the Bishopric strummed the Ukeleles and sang a song about pearls. That was the first time Sister C ( a woman we have been
teaching for a few weeks) came to any church activity and met anyone -- and it was PERFECT! She felt so included and right at home and laughed right along with the rest of us. Because she liked the ward
party so much, she decided to come to church for the first time Yesterday (after 2 months of trying) and she quickly decided that this is the path she wants to pursue! She felt the spirit so strong at
church yesterday, and she has been feeling the Love of God as she has pursued this course with us. We set a baptismal date for April 19th (yes its the day before easter on purpose!) yesterday, and we are SO
excited!!!! She will have to quit smoking in the meantime, but we
know she can do this! She has gone through so so very much in her life, and she wants to wipe her slate clean, and dedicate her life to following God's path for her. YAYYYYYYYY YIPPEEE!

We also found out that there was a little girl that is 9 years old that is unbaptized! Her family is a recently returning less active family, and we have our first lesson with them tonight!

Apart from our time at the visitors center, our schedule has been jam packed! Though its a small area, these two wards are doing a fantastic job of keeping us busy and including us in every single
going-on in the ward!

We have seen so many miracles everywhere recently, and I cherish the happiness it brings into my life when I make the effort to recognize God's hand in my life, and thank him for it! I'm so happy as a missionary. Mommy is so right -- ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING! Sister
Hamstead has a little less than 2 weeks left, and then we will be saying goodbye! What a blessing the mission is to every missionary who serves. Its simply indescribable. I want to forever be a missionary, and I will be! I will just be transfered and get the same
companion for the rest of my life :) I have no problem with that!!!

Sister Spencer's Birthday was last week while they are on vacation and nobody really celebrated it. She is the sweetest person and is pregnant, with 4 kids at home all day every day. We are trying to think of something nice we can do for her to make her happy. Mommys out there - does cleaning her kitchen sound like a good present? We just got back from a mall shopping day with the district. The elders take so long to shop!!! Sister hamstead and I were done in an
hour, and the Elders went to EVERY SINGLE STORE to find ties, and took 3 hours!!! Role reversal! But that has resulted in a lack of time to email. So as usual, BLAME THE ELDERS! ;)

Congrats to Brenda on her marriage!!!! How did it go? I want to see picturesssssss!!!! Also, how was the fairy tea party? I see the girls enjoyed their frozen Cake! Happy Birthday Lily Pie! Decca Loves

I love you all! That picture I sent was saying that exact same thing with my fingers! ( silly daddy!!! :) 


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