Thursday, April 18, 2013

MTC Week 2 (Family Letters)

                                                              Received April 15, 2013
Hey Yall!!!

Everyone calls me a southern belle here...hilarious considering I have zero accent!  Our zone leaders both have stronger accents or "twangs" than I do and they are from here.

Let me tell you about my zone a little now before I get side-tracked!  The other sisters in my district are all visitors center sisters.  Sister Knudsen is from Flagstaff, Arizona but has been living in Kansas the past few years with her family.  She is going to Honolulu, Hawaii to work in the visitors center there.  Sister Brown is from Rigby, Idaho and is exactly what I would expect an Idaho eater to be like!  If it ain't steak or potatoes, it ain't good!  She is going to New Zealand to work in the temple visitors center there.  She will be leaving at the same time as us but will be reporting to the small New Zealand MTC for additional training.

Sister Finau is my companion and she will be going to Mesa VC Mission with me!  I hope I can work with her again in Mesa!  She grew up in Rancho Cucamongo, California but has also lived in Tonga and Hawaii.  Her parents live in Tonga and she attended an LDS high school there for a few years since all of the schools teach other religions.  Even though she is in the U.S. now, it seems like she knows everyone!  Either she went to BYU-Hawaii with them, knows them from the active LDS population in Tonga, or she's related to them.  Seriously...if they are from that area of the world, they ARE related to her!  I have met SO many foreign missionaries because of Sis. Finau, and as a result I have gotten like 50 surprise BIG smooches on the cheeks from sisters.  She is great about including me, and I have loved the new acquaintances and interesting last name challenges!

Sister Finau has a very strong testimony and has 5 brothers and sisters as well.  She is 21 and lived with her RM (return missionary) sister for the 6 months before the mission.  Her sister served in Richmond, VA and had a lot of good advice for her!  Sister Finau is the coordinating sister for our zone and is currently off fulfilling some of those duties while I write to you!

The elders in my district (District 43c Woot Woot!) are pretty darn great!  The 2 zone leaders are really caring and responsible.  They are always checking in with the sisters to make sure they are comfortable and they are always striving to correct any problems.  They always take suggestions.  One is from Mesa and he is 21, the other is 19 and is basically a Ranch boy from Idaho with a really Rancy accent :)  The distric leader is really nice and honestly reminds me so much of Adam!  He is goofy and makes funny little boy faces but he also has a very sweet spirit.  He isn't afraid to cry, and he has spread that sentiment to all the Elders.  He has kept track of all my letters!  Don't EVER STOP!!!

I will try to label a picture sometime with all the names.  Sadly, the Elders in our district are all leaving next Monday.  Boo!  They are all going to either LA or South Dakota.

I've gotta say that my favorite classes are my zone training meetings.  We have some AWESOME teachers!  They really teach us the most, though we learn quite a bit in classroom time each day.  We at least have 3 1/2 hours of classroom time each day and usually more like 6 (teacher taught time, classroom time is double that).  That room we have is so small, but at least it is nice, and the chairs are comfy!  I do have trouble staying awake sometimes though...especially days like today!  I couldn't sleep last night because I took a P-Day nap, then we had to be up at 5:45 for 6 am service time.

I hear the Elder couples have the really nice dorms but the rest of us have to suffer with 6 to a room and a cubby for all of our individual belongings!  This really has been an adjustment for sleeping and living arrangements!  You would not be able to imagine the amount of stuff we are able to stuff into this tiny room!  BTW super cute to see all the senior couples eating with us!  They are adorable!

There is so much to tell, but I surely can't fit it all in!  If I remember anything I will add it in my net letter/ email next Friday!

Oh wait it looks like I am already remembering some stuff!  General conference here was awesome!  The feeling here when missionary work was mentioned put shivers up my spine!  All I could think of was how my family would be reacting!  I thought dad might tear up and everyone might get an added assurance that I'm doing the right thing.  I missed watching it in my pj's and eating with the family! We weren't even able to bring water in with us, and hard chairs are far from cozy!  We also got to watch Sis. Dalton's YW broadcast together during priesthood session and that made ALL the sisters cry!

BYU vocal point came on Sunday for a devotional and they were awesome!

I thought my Work and the Glory family would like to hear that Lund came to speak at our Tuesday devotional!  Tuesday devotionals are BIG DEALS!  The talk was amazing and it was about personal revelation.  Let me know if you want me to send some notes home!

I should go now, but anyone who has any questions, just write me a dear elder.  Dear elder is awesome and so are letters and packages!  Thank you SO much for all the love.

Homesickness/ missing the family comes at some point each day.  Hearing from you helps.  Thank you!  I hope you all are doing well!  Let me know anything!

I miss you... I love you all!

Sister Becca Younce

Received 4/18/2013

Hey Family!

Just wanted to send a short note after a really great teaching experience.  Sister Finau and I get to teach almost every day in what is called "progressive investigator."  our teachers pose as their favorite investigator from their missions, each with an interesting story.  We have been teaching "Oscar" who is covered in tattoos and use to be huge into gangs.  At first it was weird because I knew it wasn't "real" but one thing I have learned here, is that role play can be POWERFUL!  Its not a fake Spirit that we invite in during those lessons, but the same Spirit that can be there when real conversion occurs.  We have made some progress with him as we have treated it more real and have truly prayed for spiritual guidance.  These role plays can truly be amazing if you let them.

TRC is also another role play activity we have.  People volunteer each day to take on a character and act as investigators in special "home-y" classrooms.  The first 2 times weren't so great, especially since we had no tie to prepare b/c we were in tutoring beforehand (I had requested ANY extra help!).  This time was different.  We truly had the Spirit there.  Not only was I in tears as I bore my testimony of Joseph Smith, but so was my investigator and Sister Finau!  It didn't matter that the woman was probably actually a member, because I know we each became even further converted because of the Spirit testifying unto us tonight.

The Spirit teaches.  Period.

WE had forgotten to bring her a Book of Mormon so she asked if we could bring her one.  WE promised to do so ASAP and to get her her favorite candy bar.  Since it was a "mock" lesson, she didn't think we would.  But we felt so grateful to her so we sprinted to buy her a candy bar and brought it all to her before she could leave.  As she said thank you in surprise, she was wiping tears (fresh) from her eyes.

Sis. Finau and I have begun to pray to thank God for sending the Spirit every time we feel it!  We also give the Spirit a big high five each :)  I think the Spirit appreciates it :)

WE had an ALL DAY in-feild orientation today.  Learned a lot but dang it was long!  After tonights TRC experience we all went to the gym and hard core worked out then jogged back to the dorms.  Felt great!

Did I tell you already?  If not- Pday next week is FRIDAY!  Visitors center training starts Wednesday! I just met 2 cute sisters headed to Raleigh.  I think after talking to me they were significantly more excited.  They will be taking a pic with me then looking out for y'all!  Look out for them!

I love you all!

Sister Younce

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