Monday, October 14, 2013

emails from 9/30/13 and 10/7/13

Email  from 9/30/13

Hi family! I love you!!!!!

I never know what to say in here.  Its like there is a veil put over my previous week whenever Monday comes around!

Basically, it was a great week!  We had zone conference which was amazing!  The spirit was very strong as we all gathered together.  In every single meeting with my Mission President, I can feel strongly that he followed the spirit in the planning of it.  They spoke on Repentance, and how its a misconception that one can simply "self-repent" for many things.  All of us were feeling guilty and wondering.... is he talking to me?!  Then my stake president spoke and let us know that the feelings that we were all having (how did he know?!) were about 80% from Satan.  Of course, there are probably a few people that needed to hear that and that need to take care of some things before moving on, but Satan likes to bring  things to our minds and make us feel that we are unworthy, even when we are fully cleansed.  Satan would have us all believe that the power of the atonement is not real, but we must all cast those thoughts out of our mind when we can look back and remember that whatever Satan is reminding us of, was already taken care of, washed clean, and dealt with through proper authority.  Overall, the topic of repentance was to remind us that if we are not clear, clean, and worthy vessels, then there is no way for our teaching to be powerful and for the spirit to shine through us to the people around us!  We can’t simply tuck things away behind us, but we must use the atonement everyday to become and stay spotless!  I may not have an abundance to repent of, but we all have weaknesses and little things that we need not burden ourselves with any longer!

Change of subject..
What’s funny is that I am in the VC right now as I email, and we can hear all the movies going on in the computer area.  Its true that already by this point on my mission, I know exactly what scene is being shown in every single movie even if I just hear a 3 second snippit!  In particular, all of us sisters hear the music that goes to both of the movies: "Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration" and "Treasure in Heaven: The John Tanner Story" in our sleep!!!
I am so sorry if I come home and hum the music I heard everyday in the VC for the rest of eternity!

I love you all so much!  Keep being awesome!

Thank you so much mommy for all the crafts! so fun!!!

EMAIL FROM   10/7/13

Guess what?!!  TRANSFERS THIS WEEK!  We got the news on Saturday night, and well.... a lot is changing!  I am getting transferred to a new area with a new companion.  I will be packing up and moving on Wednesday!  My new area will be just north of my current area and it supposedly has some very nice houses and great wards! I will be with..... SISTER BEAUDETTE! We will both be going full-field this transfer!  I learned that when VC sisters get to go full field, MIRACLES occur!  That was the case during my first full-field transfer with Sister Brown as well.  This will be Sister Beaudette's first full-field transfer, and I can tell she is pretty nervous about it. 

So a little about her:  She is 21 ( a few months older than me), she came out 6 weeks after me, she is beautiful and super cute.  She is from massachussets (just around the Boston area), loves Pink and Princesses and little Girls.... and..........Guess what?!  She has a Jacob on a mission as well!!!  (she has dated him since she was 16) Crazy huh!??  We will have a lot in common.  She was homeschooled, and from being near her for a few months I can tell she is a bit more shy than me, but I think we will get along really well.... and we will have miracles!  She loves loves loves to exercise and eat healthy.  The first thing she told me when we found out we were together was... "Ooooh! Yay! We can ask all  the members to not feed us dessert this transfer!" Hahaha. ( i dont know about that one honeybuns!)

It is pretty sad to be leaving my first area, especially since both of us are leaving!  Sister Rios is being transferred as well!  She will be going to a Spanish area with another Peruvian VC sister!  We both got our dream companions!  Thankfully we know one of the sisters that is whitewashing (taking over with both sisters new to the area) our area, and I have gotten to give her the lowdown!  It is my roommate Sister Hamstead that is taking over, along with her new Trainee, Sister Tetau from the Christmas Islands in the Pacific!  I just have to have faith that the Lord will provide a way to have our investigators that we are leaving to be taken care of and nourished! 

Of course I had a teary goodbye with the family that I got closest to in my first area -- the Gaddies!  They might be sending a letter to mom and dad actually. Be warned!  Dont believe any of it!  They sent me off with a souvenir hunting magazine cover that has been a running joke for me and them the past 6 months!  Its a long story, but basically it is a good looking hunter man on the cover, and I came out of their bathroom holding it and exclaimed, "this is my future husband!  This is a real man!"  then Sister Gaddie goes, "Oh well that's my son!  He does hunting magazine modeling!"  I turned red and examined the cover closely and came to the conclusion that "photoshop is getting really good nowadays!"  As they continued to convince me it was their bachelor son, and I got more and more uncomfortable until I finally figured out they were joking!  It has been a running joke ever since, and now I have the picture to remember it by! 

This past week has been pretty interesting.  Julie opened up to Sister Rios and me again!  It took her such a long time to build trust enough in us, and now we are both leaving!  We are praying really long and hard that she will have an open heart to the next missionaries.  
But the work continues!  It will all be for the best, I am sure of that! 

Now that we know what will be happening with transfers, we have to start handing our VC investigators over to other Sisters.  I HATE doing that!!! Especially since I have all of the investigators from both Sister Rios and me to transfer over (since she is switching over to spanish work) and Sister Beaudette has all of hers to transfer over since she took over all of her companion's investigators when she went home last week!  It always is a real trial of faith when you have to hand over people that you know and love!  I just need to trust in the Lord, and trust that he is in control ultimately. 

Now about General Conference --> Wasnt it AMAZING?!  I especially was uplifted and impacted by the Saturday sessions!  Uchtdorf's talk was so inspired.  I just wish that everyone that needed to hear that (particularly those struggling with their faith) had actually been there to listen to it!  His words were profound and much needed.  I love that he talked so truthfully about what is required of Church members. Yes, there are a lot of committments, but the blessings and peace that come are PRICELESS! Every assignment and calling in the church is a God-given opportunity to become more like him. 
He also addressed a big concern that I have heard from many less-actives and people here in mesa -- the church is run by and made up of imperfect people!  The Church would only be perfect if it were run by perfect beings (impossible).  But God and His Doctrine is PERFECT!  It really spoke to me when he said, "first doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith."  I had always been plagued by doubts and as a teenager I allowed them to take over a few times.  We find though that our faith is really there when we continue to walk in faith rather than giving up and throwing away all that we once had faith in.  The truthfulness of a principle is shown to us as we faithfully live the principle and we receive the witness that it is good, rather than by quitting and hoping the answer comes as we sit still and resist acting/ experimenting upon the principle.  ( read about this is Alma 32 -- faith comes through action)

I also was touched by President Holland's talk.  Depression and mental illness is so readily found today, and the stigma associated with it has often been unfair.  I appreciated that he told us to do all that we can, which includes "thinking positively, praying, AND taking advantage of the medical treatment and medicine God has blessed us with in this day and age!"   It is a real issue, and I hope that everyone is very sensitive to that mortal trial that some have been given.  We are all given different mortal infirmities here in this day of probation, but someday we can all look forward to the perfected and glorified bodies that are promised us through Christ's sacrifice and resurrection!

I will write more about the talks in the next few weeks.  Those were the two that have been on my mind the past few days.  I can’t wait for the General Conference Ensign to come, and we will have more of the good word of God to study and apply in our lives! 

I heard about Jacob Younce and the 7 Books of Mormon he gave out this past week --  how amazing!  He is truly being such an example to all of us!  In the October ensign there is an amazing article about the "Work of Salvation" that I encourage you all to read!  It talks about how the measure of success is not from how many baptisms happen or how many people are re-activated, but the true measure of success lies in the invitation!  Do you have faith enough to invite others to come and taste of the Love of God?  Do you have faith that he will guide you in HIS work as you are a tool in his hands? 

As I read the October Ensign this past week I had such a confirmation that the things I was reading were straight from God, for one of the first times in my life.  I know that as you read that Ensign with a real prayer in your heart, you will also receive answers that you need through the words of Living prophets.

I invite you all to experiment upon the invitation in that article ( Helping in the work of salvation).  I promise you that you will have more fulfillment, joy, energy, and happiness in your life, as you invite others to come unto Christ! 

(also read "our Responsibility to rescue by Pres. Monson!)

I love you all so much!!! 

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