Tuesday, September 24, 2013

this weeks email 9/23/13

Hey ya'll! 

I am not feeling super well today, so this email might be on the shorter side.  I have been a little sick all week, as has most of the mission recently -- but we are trucking through it! 
I had my first week where I didn’t receive any mail at all!  That was a small challenge, but hey!  Its okay!  I know that I am supposed to be here, and really.... I wont always be able to have other people to comfort me!  As long as I have my Heavenly Father, I am figuring out that I really am A-Oh-Kay!

So I have some news.... Ken is getting baptized next Saturday!  No, he does not count as my baptism technically, but who cares!  It is a miracle!  We are so excited... and he has requested that his 5 missionaries sing at the 
baptism :).  Also, our VC investigator, Brittany, was baptized on Saturday, and our other VC investigator, Hope, is getting baptized and married next week! ( I wish I could attend it!)  Our stake has a total of 8 convert baptisms happening next Saturday! It is a record for the stake actually, crazy huh?

It was in the 100's most of the week, but then the past few days it has suddenly stayed in the 80's and 90's!  I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel!  It was amazing to actually feel a little chilly outside this morning!!! What is the weather like there in NC right now? 

So the past few days I have felt like I really need to study the Saviors words and his ministry.  I started by reading in John during our sacrament meetings yesterday.  Because I was actually reading the words of the Savior during sacrament, I had the most amazing experience!  I felt so close to my Savior and I received insight into his words that I had never had before.  I encourage each of you to study the Words of the Savior, in particular, John 13-18, and the Last supper found in Luke.  The sacrament is such an amazing opportunity we have to feel renewed and draw closer to our savior.  As we invite people to come to church, in reality we are inviting them to partake of the sacred ordinance, the Sacrament.  There is a great video that can be found on the LDS Gospel Library or else on LDS.org located in the Bible Videos section.  It is titled "the Last Supper".  I invite all of you to watch that short video this coming week!  As you then look back and remember that video this next Sunday, I know that you will feel an added spirituality that you have probably not felt in quite some time as you partake of that sacred ordinance!

I wanted to share some thoughts that I was having during sacrament meeting yesterday with you as well.  I have been thinking of Jesus Christ a lot lately.  I have been contemplating my relationship with him verses my relationship with my Heavenly Father as well a lot.  These are some things that I have come up with:

Becca Soapbox:  We have a DUTY and a calling to show and represent the Love that Christ would show if he was here.  As we decide how to react to anyone; whether they are sinning, wronging you, acting out, etc, we know the one thing we need to do -- look to our Savior!  He commands us to "Love one another, even AS I have loved you".  I am emphasizing the AS because I have misunderstood this statement in the past.  I thought he was just telling us to love others... but in fact he is showing us HOW to show and express that love for others!  He shows us how he is commanding us to love thoughout his life and ministry!  For more insight into this concept, read John 13-16!  As we love as and how Christ loves us, we will come to know our savior so much better, and others will feel God's love!

WE also must be careful not to define ourselves so as to retard our growth.  Satan would have us define ourselves by our sins and faults.   When we define ourselves, we often have the tendency to define ourselves based on our weaknesses and shortcomings and temptations.  We have a duty to always strive to see people through God's eyes.  Natures can be changed, as can temptations be overcome.  God has provided a way for EVERYONE to be able to live his commandments, though some are very hard to live at times.  God and his commandments are unchanging.  WE need to help people see their first and real identity is as a son or daughter of God with a divine potential of perfection!  Even defining ourselves first as an athlete could be a danger -- for that will change!  But what will never change is the fact that you are a son or daughter of God.  We can only attain perfection and overcome the temptations that we sometimes define ourselves by as we USE the atonement each day! 

Last soapbox point:  Jesus' teachings are not meant to be theoretical, they are meant to be acted upon!  Hence when he says, " Go and do thou likewise".  Study the life, words, and actions of Jesus Christ and follow him! 

I am so sorry for the choppy and soapboxy email today!  I am out of time!

How is everyone doing?!  I will write notes today in reply to the emails I received since I am out of time for emails!  I love you all! Check your mailboxes this week!

I love you all and miss you!!!

Dad, mom and hannah -- Ill reply via mail.  Mwah! 

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