Tuesday, June 25, 2013

New Stuff- 6/17/13

(The broadcast in this email has already happened)


I honestly dont know what I can say on this email.  We were sworn to not put anything up on blogs or mass-emails that would take away the thunder from next week's broadcast.... so I am pretty limited!  Basically this week was super exciting though!  Elder Allen and Brother Watson came and had a 3 hour-turned-5 1/2 hour meeting with the Mesa VC sisters on Friday!  Elder Allen is the Director of the entire Missionary Dept for the Church and Brother Watson is the head of all church proselyting and the lead author of Preach My Gospel (the most inspired and amazing manual in the history of the world!!!! Seriously I don't know how missionary work was possibly done before it was published!!!!) which is my absolute favorite book in the entire world now apart from the scriptures! I got to talk to Elder Allen for a while before and after the meeting and he even took an embarassing video of me on his iphone :) (hope that doesnt turn up on the broadcast!)  It was amazing to have a meeting with such inspired men.  It helped me understand just how blessed we are in the Mesa mission since BOTH of these amazing men are former Mesa Arizona Mission Presidents!  We were presented with a sneak peak video into next week's broadcast and my heart continued to race at an unfathomable rate for the next 4 hours.  I kept having to cling onto Sister Brown and just kept saying .... "Oh, Sister!" as I worked to not faint from excitement! Some of the sisters even were crying, as I did at various points.  Its funny because while you are on your mission you are just so emotional and excited .... I don't remember a single time in my life when I have felts so overwhelmed or flabbergasted!  EVERYONE has to watch that broadcast! It is introducing the new world of missionary work (inside and OUTSIDE of the mission field!) It was strange to have these men here at the VC telling us that we are so trusted and that we are the pioneers for this new phase in missionary work.  We are part of the small group (tempe missionaries are also part of it -- did devin romney get to participate as well?) that is trying this stuff out and that will give feedback to create the future boundaries for all missionaries.  They don't know what rules to have yet, so we basically are given full-reign of all possibilities to see what works and what does not.  It was odd to be on a mission with such set rules, then told to just "try anything and everything" WE TRUST YOU!  Sadly Sister Brown and I just got to be there for the meeting but are not pioneers of this yet untill 4 weeks from now.  We do however get to see how all the other VC sisters are reacting to this change and it is pretty fun to watch!  VC sisters already have so much on their plate with responsibilities and now this has added a ton as they transition and have to put in at least 2 hours extra to their already packed-full schedule! 
 Sister Younce with Elder Allen, head of the missionary department (over 70,000 missionaries!)

This is SUCH an exciting time to be in the mission field.  Its going to be amazing to get to tell my kids someday that I was at the forefront of this missionary shift!  The Lord really is hastening his work.  Elder Allen said that for years he and the Brethren have been pushing hard at missionary work, but now for the first time ever they feel so strongly that the Lord is literally pulling them with all his might and they are just trying to keep up!  I doubt this broadcast will be even half as exciting to ya'll as the news was to me as a current missionary..... but it IS worth watching!  Elder Allen promised that it will be the singlemost exciting broadcast to ever come out of Salt lake before.  Watch it!
Yall excited yet?  I know I sure am!!!! This is the time for EVERYONE TO BE A MISSIONARY! 
I love you ALL so much!  I hope the beach is amazing and that y'all have a blast!  Its been tough to keep my mind off of the beach traditions and what y'all are doing right now.... but if there is one thing I have learned from the mission so far it is.... self control/ discipline over my thoughts!  I hope to get lots of pictures and any funny stories from this year's trip!
I do feel tired all the time here.... I want nothing more than a day to sleep in... but we got 3 promising new investigators this week.... so WHO CARES ABOUT BEING TIRED!?  Somehow people are appearing out of this Mesa wood-work and I am SO grateful!  

Faye is overcoming her word of wisdom issue  this week and we have high hopes for this transfer! I honestly am having trouble remembering the rest of what happened this week due to the excitement from Friday and I'm so sorry about that! 
I need to go now.... but I love you all!  I hope everyone is doing well!  Write me!!!
Love, Sister Becca Younce
(sister Bounce as people keep calling me!)
ps.  Supposedly during July and August it gets humid here bc of monsoon season?! kill me now! 125 degrees AND humid?!

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