Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Amazing Week!

What an amazing and eventful week!!!
so..... Don and Faye were baptized!!! And..... I'M TRAINING!
We had a day or so with cooler weather this past week! It was humid and in the high 80's -- HEAVEN! There was a small dust storm, called a "haboob" that came through.  We were doing our companionship study and we saw the trees pend sideways and the sky was brownish gray.  We went outside to take pictures and I got dust all up my facial openings!  It was totally worth it though.  I have been sneezing all week because of all the dust in the air.  In actuality, it wasn't a very big haboob, but I was excited for just SOMETHING to happen outside!  It is just still and sunny and scorching outside each and every day... so it broke up a bit of the monotony.  After the dust came the RAIN!  The rain was nothing in comparison to the rain in NC.  All that happened was the dust just got wet and it just smelled muddy and gross.  Thankfully it brought through some cooler weather, so I don't have any room to complain!  Everyone else was complaining about the mugginess, but I was just basking in the glory of it :). 
Don was baptized on Saturday night.  There were about 50 people that showed up... and Don has only been known to us and the ward for a little over 3 weeks!  I was so grateful for the support from that wonderful ward.  After the baptism, I was called on to go and teach the restoration to everyone there.  I taught with nothing in front of me.  I had been praying so hard that the spirit would direct me, and I know that it truly did.  Don's Catholic sister and father ended up coming (which was a HUGE miracle in and of itself -- especially since there is a lot of contention in the family) and as I testified to the room at large, my eye kept catching Don's sister's eye.  She watched and listened intently and I could feel her connection to what I was saying.  What an amazing opportunity it is for us to teach what the investigators have been learning as they are getting dried off and dressed!  It is a stake-wide rule for all convert baptisms for there to be the restoration taught during that time now, and I know that is truly inspired.  There were also 4 other investigators in attendance, but even if there hadn't been.... I know that EVERYONE can benefit from hearing that unique message and having their faith grow as they do.  Each and everytime we share that message I feel the power of it and the spirit confirms to me that what I am testifying of is true.  Nothing could make me deny my witness that I have recieved from the power of the Holy Ghost time and time again as that message has been shared.  After the baptism there were so many people that stuck around for dessert and Don and his catholic family had a great time!  It was an amazing event, and it was touching also when Don got up and shared his testimony.  It may have only consisted of about 2 sentences and lasted 10 minutes.... but it was sincere and true and I was so so happy for him!!! 
Faye was baptized Sunday night! There were about 100 people there and we had to move to the chapel.  There was a set photographer that took pictures of every single person that came into the building and the excitement was abundant!  The entire stake presidency showed up for the event.  The talks were great, and the people that spoke have been their neighbors for 35 years, and had been praying for this day to come for many years.  I sat beside Faye and had my arm around her.  She was so happy and excited, yet bashful from all the attention.  Ed did a great job of baptizing her.  It was his first baptism he had ever done, although he had recieved the priesthood almost 60 years ago.  It was such a beautiful thing to watch, and I just was overwhlemed and cried the entire time as did half of the room.  Sister Brown taught the restoration and instead I just testified after her.  Faye should have been back by then but she was not... so we had to fill some time!  They called on us to sing a duet... so we did!  We flipped to "Nearer my God to thee" and sang that.  I was still overwhelmed with emotion from the baptism and both of us were in dire need of water, but somehow we pulled it off.  Both of us sang softly but somehow it came out very clear and more pleasant than expected.  The spirit was strong as we sang, and as we harmonized. 

After Faye came back, not only did the Bishop welcome her in, but also the stake president!  I can't say much about this but.... he is one intense man!  He called timid little Faye up to the front and immediately there was a audible gasp throughout the congregation.  She survived the questions beautifully, but nevertheless Sister Brown and I were praying silently as hard as we could muster the entire time!  The entire program was beautiful, yet very simple.  This day had been long awaited, and it was such a joy to be a part of it.  Faye told us that she felt her original fellowshipper and teacher's presence (Brother Barney) very stongly and she knew he was overwhlemed with joy, although he had passed away years ago.  It was such a blessing to be able to witness the fruit of so many members and missionary's labors over the past 35 years!  The most amazing part of this experience however was witnessing a true conversion.  Faye was acting out of pure faith and both her and Ed had been ready to act.

The Lord has his own timing.  Never EVER EVER give up on someone.  Truth is truth, no matter the year. 
The funny thing is that people bombarded us with compliments after the baptism.  They all were saying that we HAVE to sing for the ward in sacrament meeting and many a people used the word "angel" when they spoke to us about the singing.  Sister brown and I are bashful about our singing.  Although we know we aren't half bad when put together to harmonize..... I KNOW that we had extra help during that song.  This past weekend has been full of testimony-building experience and what a blessing it has been to be able to feel the spirit in such abundance!  Overall, I just feel gratitude to my Heavenly Father for allowing me to be a part of that and an instrument in his hands.

Goodbye Sister Brown!

I am out of time but..... I AM TRAINING!  Her name is Sister Rios.  She is from Peru and it has been quite a process trying to get here!  I will be working in the VC once again and I am nervous!  The VC has changed so much since we last worked in there because of the ipads and iphones!  i will try to send home a letter telling you more about it.  Overall though, I need some encouragement!  She does not speak too much English and I am sure that the Lord has some challenges in store for both me and her.  I am so excited for this opportunity though!!!!  I meet her on Wednesday.  I can't wait to tell you all about her next week! 

I love you all!!!!!!!!!! Send me more emails and pictures please!!!
How is everyone?!

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