Wednesday, September 4, 2013

A Great Week in Mesa!


Why 'ello poppets!

Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting some senior missionaries that are in the Tempe mission.  I asked about Elder Romney, and well ... then it was a fun conversation!  I can't believe Devin is almost done with his mission! I got to tell them some about the fun history we have through childhood, and it was great to remember. 
So this week we got to go to the temple!  I am so glad that we have a temple in our mission.  So many missionaries don't get to go to the temple for a whole 18-24 months!  Going to the temple session is always such a much-needed boost!  It was an amazing experience, and I want to be able to go every single week!  Once every 6 weeks is just not often enough! :)

It's often really hard to write these emails about the previous week.  It's nearly impossible for me to remember when things happen.  Things have merged together at a rapid rate, and I feel like I am still brand new, but pretty soon I will be 1/3 through my mission! Crazy!  (Hannah informed me of that fact it made me nearly pee my pants!!!)  I feel like I havent done anything yet!   I feel like I am being called to repentance daily, and honestly it's not a scary thing!  Repentance is an encouraging thing.  I have truly developed that knowledge that I can become better every single day, and the mission is really a time of a lot of self-examination!  I think I know myself better than I ever have before -- and that is a more valuable blessing than I ever expected. 
We had a lesson in church on sacrifice yesterday.  It caused me to ponder a lot.  People often thank me for my sacrifice and for my service, but I usually get a strange feeling after that. I hardly look at this mission as a sacrifice.  Yes I am not at home doing exactly what I want to be doing every day and sleeping as much as I want... or even wearing clothing that I love... but it's honestly insignificant.  Just because I am willing to serve in this capacity, the Lord gives an outpouring of spiritual blessings.  I instead go to bed feeling completely indebted to the Lord and all I can see is what he is doing for me, and I am blind to the things that I am "sacrificing" as some say.   I have come to know that our relationship with God is to be valued above all else.  There is truly nothing better that I could be doing with my time.

I don't think I would ever have imagined myself saying this, but I would rather be here on my mission than even in Florence, Italy in an art history study abroad program.  Shocking, huh?  I still love my art history deeply, but there is so much to be learned and experienced on a mission that I don't think I could even learn over the expanse of 20 years.  Needless to say, the Lord humbles you daily.  But just like Ether 12:27 (my mission scripture!!!) says, " And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness.  I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them."  What a promise is that?!!  I have seen this fulfilled time and time again, and I testify of its truthfulness.  Because God loves us, he gives us our weaknesses.  He gives us that opportunity to turn to him and grow.  What a blessing it is!

No longer can I just notice a weakness of mine and turn a blind eye to it and become complacent, but the mission truly pushes you to face those weaknesses, to humble yourselves onto your knees in a plea for help, and the Lord gives you an outpouring of spiritual blessings.
Heavenly Father really is the best.  I love him so much!!!!

Just a few other little updates -- Ken is progressing so beautifully!  I am so excited for him and for his wife, Lynda.  I was able to experience the most powerful lesson so far on my mission the other evening.  It is the greatest feeling to completely feel the spirit take over and no longer am I, Becca Younce, but instead I am just a tool in the hands of the Lord for the welfare of his child whom he loves.  The spirit takes over and the power you feel within yourself as you testify is stronger than any sensation you have ever felt.  Times like that, you know you arent imagining it.  You are affected for sure, but you can see that it is felt by all in the room.  Ken has felt it, and he recognizes it for what it truly is.  Thank you Dad for the help with him!  I followed what you suggested and we really made some wonderful progress! What amazing experiences with that couple!

Also, the heat is back!  It kills me to have an iphone with the weather app.  I see the cool weather in NC .. sometimes its 45 degrees cooler... and I die a little inside!  Send it over this way, okay?  We could also use some of that rain! Thanks!

I love you all soooo very much!  I miss you dearly.

Sister Younce

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