Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Email from 9/9/2013

Oh my goodness, I am beside myself with glee right now!!!  MIRACLE!!! ARE YOU READY?!!!
So, I don’t think I ever wrote home about this because I figured that nothing would come of it.  Remember how I had less than an hour of sleep the night before I left for the MTC, and I had a lot of nerves!  Well, I ended up sitting next to a sweet woman named Jennifer on the flight from Atlanta to Salt Lake City.  Up till this point in my life, I had never talked to the stranger that sat beside me on a plane!  But Jennifer and I sparked up a conversation.  She was traveling to where she grew up in California to go to a singles retreat.  We talked for the whole 4.5 hour flight pretty much.  I let her know what I was going out to do, and how it was a very big day for me!  She was SO interested in the church and what I had to say.  She had some very brief impressions about the church but knew next to nothing about the church as a whole.  At one point she was reading from her book, and I pulled out the Ensign from that month.  She noticed it and started asking about it.  I decided to give it to her and near the end of the flight I put my email address in there and a brief testimony.  I can't quite remember what she said but I bore my testimony to her and invited her to learn more about the church.  She said something along the lines of, "she felt really good as she talked to me" and she was impressed by me.  She wished me all the best and I did the same as we hugged before we got off the plane. 

 I never heard from her again.... TILL NOW!!!  I figured she had thrown the magazine out... but oh my goodness what a miracle!  It has been over 5 months, and I had thought of her a few times with disappointment.  I remember feeling the spirit so strong as I bore my testimony to her, and I remember the connection we had.  I am so grateful that Heavenly Father strengthened me that day as I should have been asleep on that flight from the fatigue.  As I just arrived on my email account this morning, I was surprised to find a short email from her!  I had stupidly not thought of getting her information (which now as a missionary I would never ever do!!! Stay accountable!) but she kept the magazine the past 5 months and for some reason felt that she wanted to catch up with me and ask me about my mission!!! 

I am so excited to see what comes of this.  It has been a bit of a dry spell lately.  Sister Rios and I have been working so hard, but we have had an extreme "dry spell" in our area.  Miracles do happen and the Lord is mindful of us! 

Other than that, it’s been a rainy week!  It has poured multiple times this week! HALLELUJAH! 

Sister Rios and I have been dropped by our main investigator this past week, and some of our main potential investigators are having alcohol and other issues so we have been starting basically from scratch here.  IN the past 2 days, I have gotten to experience two big miracles though!  One was the email from Jennifer, and the other you might not see as a huge deal.... but it is!  V ( I will keep it at that and I will be taking out full names from now on in my emails) is a woman we have been trying to meet with since I arrived in my area 4.5 months ago.  I have prayed for her every day and she has been talked about and planned for in our weekly planning sessions for my whole mission, with no progress!  She has an amazing story that I might share at a later time as we get to know her better personally.  She has avoided us at all costs, though all the members in the ward have always told us she WILL be baptized!  They were all walking on tip toes around her, for fear that they would offend her.  It has been a huge frustration for the past 4 months. 

 Yesterday we had stake conference.  One of our Bishops spoke and shared the conversion story of a man in our ward.  Just a little background, this man, Brent, was baptized in February.  His first interest in the church was when he came with his inactive member wife to have their first baby blessed.  He felt that he was missing out on something as he watched someone else bless his child.  He was bothered by the fact that he couldnt be the one doing the blessing.  He still was not ready for the missionaries though.  He was invited by the Bishop over 10 times to meet with the missionaries.  Each time he either said "no" or "not yet".  Finally one day after more than a year of being asked, he answered, "I'm ready."  He started living the Gospel with his wife and was baptized last February.  I have seen him bless and pass the sacrament since I have been in the ward, and recently he was able to receive the Melchizedek priesthood. He was able to hold and bless his baby son 2 weeks ago.  It was the most beautiful blessing I have ever heard.   I felt the spirit so strongly and I looked around after the event and saw that every single person within my view had tears streaming down their faces as well.  Such a miracle!  I wish you could have heard the story told to its fullness.  Bishop told it with beautiful simplicity and with a great amount of feeling.  

After the meeting, Sister Rios and I both looked at each other and said, "V". 
We decided to stop relying on the members to give us the "Go" and we drove right to the house she is living at.  She is living with a wonderful family of members.  We entered the house and immediately asked if we could see V.  They were hesitant, but then the father confessed, "After that story in stake conference, Robin and I both decided we were going to start inviting V, starting today.  So yes, we will go get V."  You could tell they were both nervous but they eventually got her down stairs though she was very leery of us.  We just visited with her and the family and we shared a short little message!  We felt prompted to not ask her if she would meet with us for the lessons yet, but instead we talked about service. We invited her to team up with us on a service project.  Her eyes lit up, and she was so excited to help us!  She even gave us a hug goodbye!  She is so service oriented and I think that this will be the key to building a relationship of trust with her so that we can share the message with her.  It’s a miracle for us!!!!  We cheered and I was ecstatic to even have gotten to talk to her finally... let alone get a hug from her!

Yesterday at stake conference they had Faye and Ed F. speak and share their experience and testimony. It was sooo amazing to watch and hear Faye bear her testimony.  AHhhh!!!! The gospel changes lives!!! Yesterday and today were the boosts I truly needed.  The Lord is so mindful of us and our needs, I promise you that!

 Brother and Sister Moss brought by a huge thing of groceries for me Saturday night!  It really helped me to feel loved and know that people are thinking of me :)  They brought sooo much, but I have to say that those Chocolate covered caramels are the BOMB!!! Florence chocolates!!!!  There goes my diet plan!!! Thankfully they also brought by a lot of healthy foods :)  Don’t worry mommy!  People are taking care of me :)  Thank you Mosses!!!

Also, I never got to thank you -- mom and Rachel particularly -- for the great package last week!  Those hair accessories are sooo cute Rach!  All the sisters love them :)  And thank you mommy for sending so many things I needed and for being so thoughtful :) I feel so blessed having so much support! Also, thank you Jacob for sending a little note as usual :) You are such a funny little punk! 

I heard about Hannah's blog and how its been getting so many hits!  Hannah is the best cook and baker in the world!  I am convinced of that.  Everything she touches turns to golden manna from heaven!!!! Proud of you Hannah Banana! I brag about you and your food to everyone.

 I have also told people about the indescribable "manna from heaven" that Dani makes!  I miss those so much!  They are truly of an indescribable deliciousness! 

I hear dad wrote me a novel.... where is it?!  Love you daddy!  Can’t wait to hear from you!

Recently I have started to read the Bible and I will be getting through the standard works before I get home!  Oh man the Old Testament gives me a headache sometimes... but its a wonderful adventure! I am learning a ton. 

I love you all soooo much!  WE just got a flash flood warning..... yikes!!! 

Mwah! xoxo
Sister Younce

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