Tuesday, September 24, 2013

email sent on 9/16/2013

Hey!  So like usual, I have trouble remembering what actually happened this week, since weeks and months here in the field blur together!  I do however know for sure of a few things that happened this week! 

Sister Rios and I went on exchanges last tuesday and wednesday!  Since sister exchanges are a fairly new thing, things are still being worked out with them.  We had to miss our VC shift on tuesday as well as wednesday so that we could go to our Sister Exchange Leader's area....  But I finally got to get out of Central Mesa!!!  It felt so good.  We went further east to Apache Junction!  There is so much more space out there and the ward sizes are much bigger.  The land is also much more diverse and pretty, and the mountains are super close!  The homes and apartments however, were a little scary.  I realized I had been pretty sheltered by my first and only area so far!

Jennifer, the lady from the plane, emailed back again!  She had a really cool experience where she had been running and crying, and then she stopped randomly and started to think of me.  Then she turned around and saw that she had stopped in front of an LDS church building!  Cool huh?  I will keep ya'll updated on progress with that!  She had been trying to get in touch with me for months, but she couldnt read my email address and emails kept getting bounced back to her... woops!  I need to take greater care in my writing.... 
I am still in charge of the posters and visuals at the VC!  There are so so so many birthdays in september so its actually keeping me really busy.  I get so dizzy as I look at all the patterns of paper for hours at a time! Then I see black spots the rest of the day.  Still worth it though :)

With the exchanges this week, and many many other meetings that took up hours of prime time, we didnt get too much time in our area and we were only in the VC 3 of the 7 days!  This next week we are hoping to really get to find some people that are prepared for the Gospel!  We have been going through our old are book and contacting everyone in there -- needless to say, it has resulted in a lot of mean rejections.  Sister Rios is having a little bit of trouble with rejections still, but I have figured out ways to just stay motivated.  Generally, I just think constantly, " its the next person that is being prepared by the Lord... the next one!"
Sister Rios and i have good days, but we also have rough spots to each day.  She is an amazing person and an amazing missionary, but I have learned that we are very different in our approaches and how we think!  Overall, this has been an opportunity for self reflection, and coming to terms with my own strengths and weaknesses.  Sister Rios and I have both been trying to reach out by doing little things or giving little thoughts or gifts each day -- and it has helped a bit!  I have also come to realize how much I truly appreciate my family and Jacob for vocalizing as well as showing love!  Communication is so key to everything, and I really appreciate now the great communication that I grew up with in my amazing family!  I hope to be able to bring that ability to communicate so well to my future family!

I am so excited to hear that there will be sister missionaries in your ward!!!  I just met a sister that is headed to the Raleigh mission in November that just got her endowments on saturday!  She will be spanish speaking... so who knows if you might see a sister from Mesa in Cary 3rd Branch! I cant believe there will be 2 sets of missionaries in Cary 2nd!  I hear that some places in the south are even getting 3 sets per ward!  Its funny how the member here are even excited that they only have to share us with one other ward... it use to be that in this area, the missionaries would be assigned to 5-6 wards!!!  Only one set of missionaries per stake just 2 years ago!!!

How are all of you preparing for General Conference?  I am already trying to really prepare myself!  I know that as we prepare ourselves to receive personal revelation, God will grant it to us!  Go ahead and start thinking about it and figure out how you can best prepare yourselves for an amazing conference experience :)  
I have to go now!  I love you all so much!!! Sorry I didnt share too many spiritual experiences this week or spiritual thoughts, but I will try to include extras in my email next week!  Love you and miss you all!  Write me and send me pictures please!!!!! Mwah!!!

Sister Younce

ps. I love my south American friends here!  I have gotten to learn so much about the culture recently and I might even be learning a bit of spanish :) 

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